Teaching Ministry Of Scott Richards
5 FollowersChristian Speaker / Comedian. Lover of God, seeker of truth. I try to bring the Bible alive and challenge everyone to a deeper commitment to Christ. Here you will find videos from the Teaching Ministry Of Scott Richards. \n\nIf you\'re looking for a guest speaker for your ministry event, You may contact Scott at ScottARichardsMinistry@yahoo.com
5 FollowersSalusChurchMinistries
5 FollowersMikeMorrisonMinistries
5 FollowersIGFMinistries
5 Followers420ministries
5 FollowersAgape Light Ministries
4 FollowersAgape Light Ministries is a non-profit organization operating with the Scriptural directive of the Great Commission to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In addition to this foundational mandate, and through Agape Light’s radio broadcast and podcast platform “Love’s Last Call,” this ministry is focused on alerting all who have ears to hear to the urgency of the time and the nearness of the Savior’s Return.
Kingdom Life Ministries
4 FollowersJoin us as we come together to Worship and Learn from the Word of God!
Spirit of Promise Ministries
4 FollowersWord of Faith Teachings
ProverbsGuys Ministry
4 FollowersA Christian ministry dedicated to JESUS
The Digital Content Ministry
4 FollowersThis Channel Ministry is purposed to produce digital content that declares to the unsaved world, the message of salvation in Yeshua Messiah (Jesus Christ), through repentance and faith; and to illuminate the depravity in man, that reveals our need for salvation. Our purpose is to produce Video content that teaches the good news of The Kingdom of God; and that cultivates the culture of God's kingdom, in righteousness, through faith. This ministry also produces digital content, that will illuminate the love and the grace of God revealed in the scriptures; and that shares examples of His love and His grace that we have received, from our experiences. Lastly, the purpose of this Channel Ministry is to produce content that teaches and encourages born again believers, the disciplines of the Spirit led life, the life of faith, and the development of our spiritual ear, to hear the voice of God through the Holy Spirit!
Nordyke Ministries
4 FollowersSpencer & Cyndy Nordyke on specific assignments to pray over cities and areas to change the spiritual atmosphere while declaring His Word. They go, they listen to the Holy Spirit, they pray, then deliver God's message changing people's lives throughout the world.
Knowing The Truth
4 Followersrevealing the truth to all who will listen
The Road Of Faith Seminar * Ken Fletcher Ministries
4 FollowersWe warmly welcome you to The Road Of Faith Seminar; a video outreach of Ken Fletcher Ministries. This Channel is dedicated to reach people who are seekiing truth, light, and real faith based answers to problems. No matter what you may have been told, Jesus, The Anointed One, is alive. He is still doing the same things He has always done. We are commisioned to expose the deception of this present world and boldly publish the reality of Jesus, and what He has accomplished for us all. It is our prayer that you will awaken to the realization of what is really happening here on earth, and your part in it. How hungry are you for the REAL TRUTH? This channel is a journey. Stay tuned. Good things are here. Good things are coming. If you want to go along with us on this journey of reality: Unbelievers begin on, The Most Important Question Part 1 or Part 2. Believers begin on How Long? Part 1. Thank you. Blessings KFM
4 FollowersChrandaMinistries
4 FollowersIn His Name Messianic Ministries
4 FollowersPublic channel
RK Ministries
4 FollowersEngaging Culture with Biblical Truth.
Remnant of God Ministries
4 FollowersNon-Denominational Christian Ministry
Headstone Ministries - Media
4 FollowersCutting Edge Messages for the Hour
Ministry of Relax
4 FollowersRelaxing background music for studying and meditation
Cornerstone Chapel Childrens Ministry
4 FollowersCornerstone Chapel Childrens Ministry
God Answers Prayers Ministries Inc
4 FollowersThe place where God answers prayers
Minister Joseph Yosef Dowdy
4 FollowersHere to promote the truth of The Most High YAH and His Son Yahshua
4 FollowersAbiding In God's Grace© Ministries
4 FollowersHey Y'all! Welcome To Abiding In God's Grace© Ministries [AIGGM]. We're So Happy To Have Y'all Here and Have Y'all Become Apart Of AIGGM©, and Be AIGGM© FAM! :) May The Lord God Almighty Bless Each and Every Single One Of You! We Are A [independent] Sound Doctrine Straight Out The Bible Ministry and Ambassadors For Christ! We Are Focused On Bringing All To God Almighty Through Christ Yeshua [Jesus] and Bringing All To The TRUTH! FOLLOW AIGGM, Be and Stay CHRISTLIKE.. ALERT.. AWARE.. AWAKE.. SOBER.. REPENTANT.. HUMBLE.. COURAGEOUS.. FAITHFUL! WE ARE LIVING IN & WITNESSING THE BIBLICAL PROPHESIED END TIMES! LEARN & KNOW THE TRUTH.. NO MATTER THE COST! Be The Difference and Change That You Desperately Want To See [and Need] In The World! GOD ALMIGHTY WARNED US... NOW, HE IS PREPARING US! Abiding in God's Grace © Ministries [AIGGM] is an Online Ministry that's sole purpose is to Glorify the Lord Our God. And dedicated to helping Our Fellow Brothers and Sisters. Love Always and God Bless Y'all.
Brian Falor Ministry
4 FollowersA series of short videos covering religious and scientific data and how they correlate. Also covering things like biblical prophecy, politics, mathematics, and a myriad of other related topics.
Live Free Ministries
4 FollowersOur aim is to give practical and spiritual help to people from all walks of life with the goal of overcoming the disfunction in their lives. We deal largely with addiction recovery though we have found our methods work very well for almost any issue that one faces. We want to help others Live Free!
Love's Messenger Ministries
4 FollowersA Community of Lovesick Worshippers Who Seek the Lord Jesus and Travel the World in Mission
Ministry Outdoor Adventures
4 FollowersKeeping those who serve in Christian ministry ‘Zeroed’ on Jesus… Hebrews 12:2
Harvest International Ministries
4 FollowersHome of Harvest International Ministries in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
Follower of Yehovah, Elohiym, and Yehoshua
4 FollowersThe purpose of this channel is to help other people to discover the God of Love.
Ministry Updates & Spirit-led Messages
4 FollowersThis Spirit led Channel is focused on serving the kingdom of heaven and uniting the true Body of Christ (the Church). Hen Soma Ministries is not a part of any of today\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s manmade local church system, doctrines, and practices. We choose to follow the teachings of Jesus as humble servants and ambassadors of heaven. Therefore, we seek to fulfill the commission of our Lord to reach the whole world with the “Good News” of the kingdom of heaven. Make sure to "Subscribe" to this channel so you can receive notice of any newly added videos.
Devil's Mark Ministries Channel
4 FollowersThe Devil\\\\\\\'s Mark Ministries Channel is the official channel of Devil\\\\\\\'s Mark Ministries LLC & the official channel of Shadow Path Diabolism religious tradition. www.devilsmarkministries.org
Builders on the Rock Youth Ministries
4 FollowersOffice Rumble Channel of the Bible Baptist Church Marysville Ohio Builders on the Rock Youth Ministries
Cross Kingdom Ministries
4 FollowersVaughn Sanders Ministries
4 FollowersWelcome to the channel for Vaughn Sanders Ministries. Our mission is to equip viewers to answer everyday questions from a biblical perspective to be strong and courageous in living out their faith.