Southards Ranch


Here we will be posting updates of what we are learning to do on the ranch. I am learning from others via online to do food storage. I want to give a shout out of thanks to those who post videos about how to prepare food for long term storage. I have to adapt what I learn to my own device of use and I am so excited to learn this basic most important life lesson. These skills should had been taught to me as I was growing up but I did not have the traditional family lifestyle. I am teaching as I learn as well.

Surf Ranch


Two Canadian brothers, Lucas & Travis Boychuk, who moved to Nicaragua with only a $1000 and backpacks to build the worlds first action sports resort. It has now grown into 3 locations. Surf Ranch Hotels & Resorts is an international hotel and resort chain started by two Canadian brothers. This channel showcases video of what we do behind the scenes, what we offer and what we are up to next. Subscribe now! Surf Ranch BLOG ► Wear Surf Ranch Clothing ► h INSTAGRAM: - @surfranch - @lukesurfranch - @surfranchpopoyo - @surfranchtamarindo SURF RANCH LOCATIONS: SJDS, Nicaragua ► Tamarindo, Costa Rica ► Popoyo, Nicaragua ►

All Things Beauty


After years of wanting to do this, I finally decided there's no better time than now. This is for all the loved ones in my life who need courage and inspiration. I'm a mom of 5, turning 40 this year! I just like to laugh at myself and play with makeup from all over the spectrum -- everyday natural to bold & colorful! My major hobbies include fitness (more than a decade of heavy weight lifting), video games (I've played World of Warcraft since 2006) since my youngest childhood memories [my first of which was Duck Hunt, Super Mario, Castlevania, Final Fantasy,etc], makeup, & decor.