Salutare! Eu sunt Alex, am 22 de ani și pasiunea mea este natura. Camping-ul, Bushcraft-ul și Supraviețuirea în natura sunt activitățile cu care îmi place să îmi ocup timpul. Incerc să ies in natură cât de des pot si să fac cât de multe excursii cu cortul este posibil. Prin intermediul acestui canal de youtube vă iau și pe voi cu mine in aceste excursii, în incercarea de arăta cât mai multor oameni cât de interesantă este natura și de ce este important să o respectăm și protejăm

Zane Campbell


At 23 years old, I had an epiphany: happiness and positivity are the keys to a fulfilling life. Everywhere I looked, people seemed to be living in discontent, and I wanted to be different. To me, different meant pursuing my own happiness. So, I sat down in my office at 1am and asked myself a crucial question: what are my favorite things to do? From there, I created a list of my passions and it became clear that achieving "happiness" was within my reach. Now, at 27, happiness is at the forefront of my life, and my goal is to inspire others to live a life based on what they love and what they want to do. On this channel, you'll find content on both Tech and Lifestyle. If you're someone who's always craved more happiness and fulfillment, then you've come to the right place. Join our family by hitting that subscribe button! You Create Your Own Story!

Hike Camp Climb


Hike Camp Climb is a byproduct of my journey to find physical and mental healing after a hard-won battle with substance abuse. I turned to mountain climbing as a way of challenging myself and getting healthy again. As I started collecting gear for my first climb, I decided it would be smart to test it on flat ground first. So, I headed to the forest for my first solo winter camping trip and decided to record it while I was there. That video launched Hike Camp Climb and started me on the biggest adventure of my life! The mountains give me peace and a way to focus my energy into something positive. The goal of Hike Camp Climb is to share that peace and inspire others to get outdoors and start an adventure of their own!

Exploring Animals Social activities on the Earth


The Animal Systems program gives students a strong understanding of small and large animal health, including genetics, anatomy, physiology, nutrition and reproduction. The program covers both domestic species as well as non-traditional species.The Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences develops people and ideas in support of providing food, bio-resources and services that benefit our society, the environment and the agri-food sector.Since our founding in 1906, the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences has continuously evolved to meet the changing needs of our world, embracing new technologies, interdisciplinary collaboration and agile curriculum focused on student success. Our programs of study, unique student experience and researchers are what set us apart. Our partnerships with industry are what help our graduates continue to make change within our community and within the global conversation around food, human health and agriculture.