Travel time

1 Follower

Hello everyone, Welcome to my channel! I am thrilled to announce that I will be uploading a series of driving videos, aimed at helping you navigate the roads with confidence and ease. From city driving tips to highway techniques, and everything in between, my videos will cover a wide range of topics to make your driving experience safer and more enjoyable. If you find the content helpful and enjoyable, please consider subscribing to my channel. Your support means a lot and will help me continue to create valuable content for you. Additionally, I would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions, so don't forget to leave feedback on the videos. Your comments will help me improve and tailor the content to better meet your needs. Thank you for visiting, and I look forward to embarking on this journey together!

After Effects Brasil: Aprenda a criar vídeos incríveis com o software da Adobe!

1 Follower

Olá, seja bem-vindo ao canal! Aqui você vai encontrar vídeos sobre o After Effects, o software da Adobe para criar animações e efeitos visuais incríveis. Você verá desde conceitos básicos até técnicas avançadas, passando por dicas e truques que vão facilitar o seu trabalho. Você também vai ver exemplos práticos de como usar o After Effects em diferentes tipos de projetos, como vídeos para redes sociais e muito mais. Se você quer aprender a dominar o After Effects e impressionar o seu público com suas criações, inscreva-se no canal e ative as notificações para não perder nenhum vídeo. Espero que goste do conteúdo!

The River 474

1 Follower

The River 474’ is a company of believers who for the past couple of years are on a path of discovery that has been leading us into an intimate walk with God and giving us a deeper, personal, and experiential life in Him. We are not a church we actually attend many different expressions of the Church but come together in hubs to study, pray, worship, ascend and enjoy fellowship in Him. You are welcome to join this group and share with others if you enjoy journeying into the Mysteries of God. For more teachings like this Visit: or Request an invite to our Wednesday Night Podcast at 7:00 CST. by emailing us at Visit

White River Township, MI - Meetings

1 Follower

White River Township, MI monthly board meetings--every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7 P.M. (Videos will usually be uploaded by noon the following day.) If you are a citizen of WRT, put your love for the area into action by attending at least one meeting a year and make public comment on behalf of smaller government and the prevention of exploitation by outside financial and political interests. Let us govern with our vote and voice to protect the sovereignty and value of our beautiful lake-shore community.

The success spectrum

1 Follower

channel would likely feature content related to starting and growing a business, including advice on topics such as marketing, funding, and strategy. I will share information and advice on personal finance topics such as investing, budgeting, saving, and building wealth. Moreover, I cover the entire spectrum of wealth, and as you all know health is wealth. Therefore, I also post content related to physical and mental health, including topics such as exercise, nutrition, mindfulness, stress management, and self-care.