Freedom River Church Verified


Freedom River Church is all about drawing attention to God and encouraging people toward a relationship with Him that's real, intimate, and every day. We share God's Word in a way that's down to earth and applicable, because we want people to experience the life-changing effect it can have in their lives. We want people to know God's purpose for their life and have a sense of value and direction. Bottom line, we want to make a difference, and we believe that difference will come only through Jesus Christ.

My human right is to think differently !


People that are actively involved here have combined their time and energy and approached this for the purest of reasons and ideals, and with no preconceived notions ! We are not encumbered by anything, there is no interest involved, and at the same time we do not, and will not, allow anyone to challenge our work by possibly linking anything that we do to something that is, or can be, viewed as being against the law ! In order to achieve our goal, we went a step further, and are preparing something that will ensure those of us who consider themselves to be 'free thinkers' to NEVER BE CENSORED AGAIN, something that has happened time and again throughout history, and today it seems is reaching its peak ! We firmly believe that the potential for change, not only of every society but the world as a whole, lies in absolutely each one of us... but that the biggest problem is in the fact that we are just not aware of it… Our voice has to count ! Contact Site

Canadian Freedom Fighters - Facts over Fear.


Here are some of the issues we work to educate the public on: - Constitutional and Charter of Rights and Freedoms violations perpetrated by our government and their agencies. - Health Canada mandates and over-reach. - Disinformation from our government and their agencies. - Emergencies Act being illegaly invoked. - Provincial/Municipal by-laws and policies that are unconstitutional. - Video documenting protests and assemblies. - Main stream media and the dis-information they report. God Bless Canada. Mandate Freedom.