STAR SPLITTER: A Sci-fi Audiobook Podcast


Telepaths, Clones, Androids, Zombies, and Alien Monsters...This anthology experience is immersive and headphones are recommended... Enter a universe of sci-fi sound effects, music, and stories that'll leave you wanting more... WELCOME TO STAR SPLITTER. Created, Written, and Narrated by Danny Kuehn (IG: @realdannykuehn ) Directed, Produced, Mixed, and Edited by David Bloom (IG: @mrbl00m ) Cover Art created by Ira (@rebecacovers on Fiverr) *All Rights Reserved*

Books and Stories


We believe in the power of storytelling to entertain, educate, and inspire. That's why we've created a space where you can find bite-sized summaries of some of the best books out there, as well as soothing bedtime stories to help your little one. Our book summaries provide a quick and easy way to learn about the plot, themes, and key takeaways of a wide range of novels, non-fiction, and self-help books. Whether you're looking to deepen your understanding of a classic text, or discover something new, our summaries have got you covered. Our bedtime stories, on the other hand, are designed to help your kid drift off into a peaceful sleep. So, if you're someone who loves to read, or someone who simply wants to relax and unwind, subscribe to our channel and join our community of book lovers and storytellers!

GotBooks! with Timothy C. Ward


Broken Binding. Big Heart. GotBooks has Interviews, Sales, Behind the Scenes, and more about Creating Thrillers of all kinds. It's all about books. Timothy C. Ward is an author and podcaster with multiple pairs of clean underwear. He has published books in post-apocalyptic scifi (Sand Divers), thrillers with monsters (Godsknife), and gamer fantasy in LitRPG books (Ciphercraft and Badges of Dorkdom). He was nominated for a Hugo Award for Best Podcast during his time as executive producer of Adventures in Scifi Publishing. GotBooks is a show to keep in touch with new and favorite authors as they release books and add to my shelf. You may hear about my next book release, but this is mostly for serving my friends by sharing about great books.

İRFAN EMSEN | Sesli Kitap Vesaire | Audiobook


Sesli kitap, öykü, masal, şiir, alıntı, kitap inceleme, yazarların hayat hikayeleri, radyo tiyatrosu, podcast, diksiyon, motivasyon, meditasyon, kişisel gelişim ve kitap önerileri gibi içerikler seslendiren ben Seslendirme Sanatçısı İrfan Emsen, kanalımda sizlere ücretsiz sunuyorum. Bu kanalda kitaplar var, yani dünyayı daha iyi anlamamızı, insanca yaşamanın yollarını öğreten; ➤ Türk ve Dünya edebiyatından klasikler, roman, hikaye, şiir kitapları ➤ Bilimkurgu, fantastik, polisiye romanları ➤ Felsefe, din, mitoloji, sosyoloji, psikoloji, kişisel gelişim, tarih, bilim, ekonomi, kültür, sanat, siyaset kitapları ➤ Çocuklar için hikaye ve masal kitapları, ➤ Yanısıra tüm bu kitapların ve kıymetli yazarlarının tanıtımları, kitap tavsiyeleri ve incelemeri, ➤ Kitapların zihnimizde yarattığı sorular ve bu sorulara cevap arayışları var. Bu kanalda kitaplara dair her şey var! Şimdi, hazırsanız sizler için özenle seçerek hazırladığım içeriklere göz atmaya başlayabilirsiniz.