¡Bienvenidos a mi canal de Automóviles clásicos

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Este canal esta dedicado a la pasión que me transmiten los coches clásicos. Para mi los mejores coches son los que tienen grandes historias y no precisamente son los más caros. La gente me pregunta cuáles son los mejores para comprar, y lo que realmente me gusta de mi gusto por los coches, es que no tengo ni idea de lo que es. Realmente, con los años me he dado cuenta que si tuviera que definirlo, diría que me gusta comprar una buena historia más que comprar un coche en particular y esto és lo que verás en este canal. MERCHANDISING Https://www.MarcsGarage.es REDES SOCIALES https://www.facebook.com/groups/marcsgarage/ https://www.instagram.com/therealmarcsgarage/ DIRECTOR Marc Puigvert ¨enfermo por los coches¨ email: rollsroycecloud@gmail.com COLABORADORES Adrián Bresser (DEP) Xavier Claret Roger Argelich Jordi Marti Raúl Villaronga, Borja Redondo Javier Maldonado Miquel Argemi Toby Puigvert (DEP) y Kiril fan #1

A place for learning

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Hi and welcome to Scotty Garage. This is my place for information and fun when it comes to repairing, modifying, and basic mechanics for motorized machines. I say motorized machines, because i like to work on everything I can get my hands on. I work on cars, motorcycles, bicycles, and well anything I can work or learn to work on. I made this to pass some of my knowledge and love of mechanics. I am not a professional or an expert I am an old school shade tree mechanic. I started working on cars at the age of 13 restoring a car with my dad. I have evolved over time and eventually worked in automotive repair. I enjoyed the work and learned a ton from some great people, but I decided to move on to something that I could pass on to others. I now work in education. I was a high school teacher and had a great time teaching kids about history and some life lessons as they needed them. I am now a school counselor at a middle school. I will always love mechanics and want to share my passion.