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The Red Pill Ranger


If you're ready for the Real Deal Red Pill Information and content that's actually going to help you and not just feed your ego or support your disdain for women yet hold them ACCOUNTABLE you are in the right place!!! Self Improvement, through Freshness, Fitness and Finances !! Let's Goooo!!! I'm on a quest to educate men and save them from themselves. The Red Pill Ranger is willing to speak the unpopular truths for the betterment of mankind and to make each and every man the best version of themselves! New Episodes Every M, W, and Friday!

TRF News


Channel I made purely for fun dedicated to fake news stories I make up. Most of the people and channels I talk about I'm subscribed to so none is done with bad intentions or feelings. Its ONLY for fun and does not reflect any political preferences or meant to be taken seriously AT ALL. The stories I make up and pictures I use are completely edited, Hopefully by the ridiculous looks of the pictures and fake stories it should be clear. I hope everyone who watches enjoys it as much as I enjoy making them

Movie Counselor


Hi, wonderful people! Welcome to the channel of your one and only, Movie Counselor. I take a closer look into many of America’s most popular family movies that go overlooked and use desensitizing methods to change our youth’s belief system, mainly revolving around sexual themes. Though, not only is it just about the sexual messages, but there are so many other messages that go under the radar. For that reason, I am here to help you look out for the signs that are not appropriate for children. With that, I leave you a free session of movie counseling. Thank you and enjoy!