Conspiracy Spectator


The information here is for research purposes only. In this channel you will find a collection of conspiracy theory videos taken from other conspiracy or truther channels. You will find video topics discussing misleading religions, fake history, false flags, pseudoscience cosmology, flat earth theory, government mind control, political lies, medical tyranny, fake news, hoaxes, propaganda and more. When acquiring conspiracy information you will either: √ a. Know is TRUE due to evidence beyond reasonable doubt. √ b. Know is FALSE due to evidence confirmation. √ c. Conclude the probability of it being TRUE based on information and critical thinking. √ d. Conclude the probability of it being FALSE based on information and critical thinking. X e. Believe is TRUE without researching for evidence. X f. Believe is FALSE without researching for evidence. ---------------------------------- Understand the difference between "Believing" and "Knowing". Believing is not the same as knowing. Believing involves accepting something as true without concrete evidence, while knowing refers to having factual knowledge based on evidence or direct experience. Key differences between believing and knowing: Certainty: Knowing implies a higher level of certainty and conviction, while believing acknowledges more openness to interpretation. Evidence: Knowing is based on facts, logic, and observable evidence, whereas believing can be based on faith or personal conviction without proof. Emotional investment: Believing often involves more emotional investment and passion, while knowing is more rooted in objective understanding. Changeability: Beliefs are more susceptible to change when presented with new information, while knowledge is generally more stable. Justification: Knowledge requires justification and can be demonstrated or proven, while beliefs may lack concrete justification. In essence, believing is a mental state of accepting something as true, often based on personal conviction or faith, while knowing implies a deeper understanding backed by evidence and reasoning. ---------------------------------- Questions that might come into your mind after watching some of these videos. 1. Is it possible this earth is being controlled by a malevolent group of people that are able to ally with governments to deceive the people? 2. If so, will they need to continuously deceive the population to keep their power? 3. Can they successfully accomplish this through literature, audio and video? 4. If so, is it possible that our education through science, history, religion and the news media can be partially or completely fake? 5. Is it possible that in order for the lies to be more easily believed , you must mixed them with some truth? 6. Is it possible they fabricated or at least tampered with some of our education causing people to believe in phony science, false history, deceptive religion and fake news?

Special Ops Journal


Welcome to Special Ops Journals, dedicated to exploring and sharing the world of special operations. From the brave men and women who serve in elite military units around the globe to the cutting-edge technology and tactics used in the field, we bring you an inside look at the world of special ops. Our channel covers a wide range of topics, including but not limited to special forces units, counter-terrorism operations, hostage rescue missions, tactical training, covert operations, and much more. #SpecialOperations #CombatTraining #EliteForces