Rumble channel Interested in global news with an impartial perspective


Welcome to the official BBCNews1 Rumble channel Interested in global news with an impartial perspective ? Want to see behind - the - scenes clips and footage directly from the front - line ? Our Rumble channel has all this and more , bringing you specially selected clips from the world's most trusted news source . Tune into BBC World News for 24 hour news on your mobile The official BBCNews1 Rumble channel is operated by BBC Global News ltd. BBC World News the 24hr , the international news



RUSSIAN MARTIAL ART ACADEMY offers reality based self-defense training, instructional DVDs and online instructor's program. The roots of Russian System (Russian hand to hand combat) date to the 10th century, developed by Cossacks (Russian Warrior’s). Traditional combat training methods are utilized with modern concepts of military combat (special forces unites). Russian SPECIAL SYSTEM training is great for personal self-defense, as well as for bodyguards, police and security personal.

The Pasho Perspective


I have been a high school teacher for 20 years and have seen quite a bit. In this podcast, I'm going to share my classroom stories, my own personal testimony, and my accumulated knowledge of English and American literature. Did I mention that I have three kids? I am ardently passionate about life and expect to cover all those things we find in the space between life and death. So please... turn up the volume, get comfortable, and join me. You can also support me and the podcast in Patreon:

Special Books by Special Kids


Interviews that are intended to create a more inclusive world. SBSK started when I was a teacher for students with disabilities. Originally intended to be a book written by my students, SBSK soon grew to be video interviews of disabled people of all ages and diagnoses. Since our beginning in 2015, I have interviewed hundreds of people across the world while providing over $1,300,000 to those featured on this channel through a combination of grants and fundraising. Starting in 2016, SBSK is now a 501(c)3 organization that seeks to normalize the diversity of the human condition under the pillars of honesty, respect, mindfulness, positivity and collaboration. This multi-media movement supports the acceptance and inclusion of all members of the neurodiverse/disability community regardless of diagnosis, age, race, religion, income, sexual orientation, gender or gender expression.