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Apostle, Elect #13, Orobosa Ero teaches on Adherence to Scriptural/biblical teachings, principles, practices & patterns. My book “Gods Vision and Purpose For Africa” reveals Gods wholistic agenda for a new and glorious Africa. Request free PDF via email christafricaministry@gmail.com Christ Africa Ministry: committed to Evangelism, Church Assembly, Discipleship & Charity in Africa. Please Follow Us On Facebook: @christafricaministry Twitter: @ApostleEro | @cafricam Instagram: @toksero | @christafricaministry Please Click Subscribe & the Notification Bell for Updates, Like, Comment & Share


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Welcome to ProfessorX, the go-to destination for all things related to how-to and style! Our channel is dedicated to helping you improve your skills and enhance your personal style, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro. With our easy-to-follow tutorials and expert tips, you'll be able to master everything from cooking to fashion in no time. Our team of experts includes experienced finance experts, enterpreneurs, fashion stylists, interior designers, and more, who are all passionate about sharing their knowledge and expertise with our viewers. We also welcome guest experts to our channel to provide additional insights and tips. Whether you're looking to upgrade your personal style, learn a new skill, or simply want to try something new, ProfessorX has got you covered. So be sure to hit that subscribe button and join our community of learners and enthusiasts today!


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Fare una regolare disintossicazione dalle tossine presenti nel tuo corpo è la prima scelta da ATTUARE per una salute consapevole. Oggi puoi eliminare le tossine con un trattamento veloce, naturale ed efficace che apporta benessere MENTE-CORPO-SPIRITO. Vai su www.DetoxProfondo.it per scoprire come ricevere un Trattamento Olistico del metodo DETOX PROFONDO. Guarda le testimoniaze e i benefici ricevuti su www.DetoxProfondo.it/testimonianze/ LA SCUOLA consente di diventare un Operatore Olistico Certificato Detox Profondo. Il Master è accreditato da prestigiose Istituzioni Italiane. Tre livelli: 1) DETOX EMOZIONALE® 2) DETOX MENTALE 3) DETOX FISICO Guarda le testimoniaze e i benefici ricevuti da chi ha fatto il Master su www.DetoxItalia.it

Prof. Al Bartlett video collection

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Albert A. Bartlett (1923-2013) was Professor Emeritus in Nuclear Physics at University of Colorado at Boulder. He was a member of the faculty of the University of Colorado since 1950. He was President of the American Association of Physics Teachers in 1978 and in 1981 he received their Robert A. Millikan Award for his outstanding scholarly contributions to physics education. Dr. Bartlett gave his celebrated lecture, Arithmetic, Population and Energy 1,742 times. His collected writings have been published in the book, "The Essential Exponential! For the Future of Our Planet". For more information, see the Al Bartlett website at https://www.AlBartlett.org

Journaling, Profanity & Gin

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Looking at the multiple ways to journal, plan and create balance in your life. This channel will focus on the why, how, and fun aspects of journaling for clarity, focus, and direction. A mix of videos, and later live streaming, which will involve gin served in a dragonfly embossed glass - cause why the hell not. Profanity will feature in my videos so if you are offended by the odd f%%k then this channel is not for you. Additionally, if you think there is only one way to journal then bog off cause there isn't. I'm on my way to mapping at least a million ways the creative mind works, if you're on board with that then give me a subscribe, a likey like, and share how your mind functions. I currently have 19 journals and notebooks for all your needs.