Wrongthink Verified


Wrongthink is a podcast where minds are free to go wherever logic might take them. Host Thomas Chatterton William explores the issues of the day with the goal of shedding light on areas that have been left unexplored. The podcast is – as the tagline says – “more of a question than a comment”. Whether you’re a conservative, liberal, or something in between, we invite you to join the Wrongthink conversation because challenging our assumptions and listening to others can help us figure out what's right.



Thinking positively can help you achieve your goals and achieve happiness Every day, we all have some bad thoughts, some good thoughts, and sometimes we have a mix of both We all have a choice to make Do we dwell on the bad thoughts and let them bring us down? Or do we choose to focus on the positive thoughts and make them come true Having a positive mindset or positive attitude can help us in many ways It can help us to live better, to be more successful and to be happier