About Animals


In a world teeming with diversity and wonder, our shared connection with the animal kingdom is a testament to the profound beauty of life. At [Your Channel Name], we embark on a heartfelt journey celebrating the splendor of these sentient beings and the unspoken bonds that bind us together. We believe in the power of love and compassion to bridge the gap between species, fostering a world where every creature is cherished and protected. Our mission extends beyond entertainment; we aspire to be a voice for the voiceless, advocating for the well-being of animals across the globe. From the tiniest insects to the majestic giants of the wild, each creature plays a unique role in the intricate tapestry of nature. Through our channel, we aim to inspire a sense of responsibility and awareness, encouraging viewers to join us in safeguarding the habitats, ecosystems, and lives of our fellow inhabitants on this planet. Join us in cultivating a community of animal enthusiasts, united by a common goal: to cherish, respect, and protect the remarkable diversity that makes our world a harmonious tapestry of life. Together, let's create a future where love knows no boundaries, and every creature thrives in a world filled with compassion and understanding.

Marian news - 1_Mary Unveils the Apocalypse


God designated a priest to explain the Apocalypse, and He sent the Blessed Mother to personally instruct him. Our generation is chosen to be part of the Book of Revelation. Some generations were chosen to live in the time of a biblical event, the crossing of the Red Sea, or at the time of Jesus. From 1973-1997 an Italian priest named Stefano (Steve) Gobbi heard interior locutions from the Mother of God. She explained much of the symbolic language of the Book of Revelation, thus giving us the key to decode this difficult but inspired book. I ask you to force yourself to read the Book of Revelation. It’s really only twenty pages Don’t read the footnotes, that will be a useless distraction, but expose yourself to the book as a whole, so that as we discuss it in the coming weeks you’ll have a have an better idea of the structure and symbols.



Hello My Rumble Family,,, Iam Kamran Laghari From Jamshoro Sindh Pakistan... Kamran Jani Sindhi is My Personal Official Rumble Channel for You. Iam a Artist & Photographer editor also I Have my own Videos You will find Here Jalal Chandio And All Sindhi Singer's & Artists Videos, Documentries ,Vlogs , Historical Events , Musics , News , Etc Etc in My Voice Iam Dubbing all Videos as a Voice Over Artist. Fully Focused & Access for You on this Accout . So Please Follow: KAMRAN JANI SINDHI My Rumble Channel Click Follow Icon for Turn On Notification For All latest Updates from Me. Thanks . IF YOU HAVE ANY ISSUES, PLEASE CONTACT ME WHATSAPP #03063088706

Introdução a Ordem e ao Templarismo


✠ A Sereníssima Ordem de Cavalaria Militar Padre Anchieta, como diz o nome, escolheu o seu dístico na figura do ilustre José de Anchieta, um padre jesuíta espanhol que ingressou na Companhia de Jesus no Reino de Portugal, ficando ao seu serviço, e um dos fundadores das cidades brasileiras de São Paulo e do Rio de Janeiro. Foi o primeiro dramaturgo, o primeiro gramático e o primeiro poeta nascido nas Ilhas Canárias. Foi o autor da primeira gramática da língua tupi e um dos primeiros autores da literatura brasileira, para a qual compôs inúmeras peças teatrais e poemas de teor religioso e uma epopeia. Considerado santo pela Igreja Católica, foi beatificado em 1980 pelo papa João Paulo II e canonizado em 2014 pelo papa Francisco. É conhecido como o Apóstolo do Brasil, por ter sido um dos pioneiros na introdução do cristianismo no país. Em abril de 2015 foi declarado co-padroeiro do Brasil na 53.ª Assembleia Geral da CNBB. ✠ A Sereníssima Ordem de Cavalaria Militar Padre Anchieta, advem de ordens afins, com t