Description ________________________________________________________ ★★★PUJI TUHAN★★★ Dalam nama Bapa, dan Putra, dan Roh Kudus. ________________________________________________________ Terima kasih telah berkunjung ke channel ini channel "NADA KATOLIK", dichannel ini kami akan mengupload musik2 video dan kotbah2 katolik yg bertujuan untuk saling mengisi antra sesama hamba Tuhan. semoga kita dapat selalu bersua dan bersatu dengan nada2 musik rohani katolik yg lembut & menyejukkan hati _______________________________________________________ apabila ada kesalahan yg kami perbuat nantinya dengan senang hati kami menerima saran & petunjuk dari hamba2 Tuhan yg baik hati agar channel ini bisa berkembang, dengan rendah hati kami memohon keikhlasan hamba2 Tuhan tuk mensubscribe, like atau share chanel ini dengan segala kerendahan hati kami ucapkan Banyak terima kasih PUJI TUHAN 💘 NADA KATOLIK 💘 ★★★ Nada Katolik adalah channel dr Perhimpunan Masiswa/i Katolik di wilyah TOKYO NAGOYA CHIBA OSAKA

Christian Music


Do you enjoy music that honors God and exalts sound Biblical truths? Do you want to be encouraged by the life changing hope found in Jesus Christ? If so, you have come to the right place. Join us, as we rejoice in the AMAZING GRACE of our Lord and Savior! We take popular songs, and transform them into Christ centered songs about the Gospel! Sing along and be uplifted with the joy found in God alone. Learn more about God and His Word and grow in your love for Him. Share these life changing truths with other believers and spread the gospel into the lost world. Come sing with us! Worship the Savior with us! Teach your Kids the Bible with these fun songs! Please Subscribe so you don\\\'t miss out on any of our upcoming videos we post around once a week! :) My wife and I enjoy sharing the transforming truths of Scripture. I attended "The Master\\\'s University" where John Macarthur serves as Chancellor. After graduating in 2012 I married my beautiful wife in 2015.

Lassen Pines Christian Camp


We are excited to share a wonderful opportunity that has presented itself to our church community – the chance to purchase Lassen Pines, a beautiful Christian camp nestled in the heart of nature. This incredible camp is an ideal place for spiritual growth, fellowship, and creating lasting memories. At Lassen Pines, we envision a space where children, teens, and adults can come together to deepen their faith, connect with one another, and experience the transformative power of God's Word. Surrounded by majestic trees, this camp offers a unique setting for spiritual retreats, Bible studies, worship sessions, and fun-filled activities. However, to turn this dream into a reality, we need your help. The cost of purchasing and maintaining such a property is significant, and we cannot do it alone. That's why we humbly request your generous support to make Lassen Pines Bible Camp a reality for our community. Your donation, no matter how big or small, will directly contribute to securing the camp and ensuring its long-term success. Your investment will sow the seeds of faith in countless hearts and empower us to spread the message of love, hope, and redemption far and wide. Let's come together as one united community, bound by our shared faith, and create a lasting impact for generations to come. Your support will not only help us purchase Lassen Pines Bible Camp but also allow us to carry out essential renovations and improvements, making it an even more enriching experience for all who visit. As we embark on this journey to acquire Lassen Pines, we invite you to partner with us in prayer and financial contribution. Together, we can create a haven where lives are transformed, relationships are strengthened, and the love of Christ is ever-present. To donate or learn more about our mission and how you can help, please visit http://www.andersonchurchofchrist.net/lassen_pines. We sincerely thank you for your kindness and consideration. May God bless you abundantly as you extend your hand in support of Lassen Pines Christian Camp!