Liberty Action Coalition


We the people of the Liberty Action Coalition join with our nation’s Founders in declaring: “We hold these sacred truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, Property, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, government is instituted among Men. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” We stand united to safeguard the original intent, ideals, and principles of the Constitution. We work to hold our government representatives to their limited and proper role, protecting the rights of all men, and holding them accountable to honor their sacred oaths. Anything else is usurpation of undelegated powers. We declare our purpose is to promote unity, uphold justice, maintain peaceful interactions, to protect and provide for our common defense, to promote the general welfare, and ensure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves, our families, and posterity. We affirm our mission to teach, to stand, and to defend those sacred rights and liberties afforded us by Almighty God, that the blessings of Heaven may ever be upon us and our nation.

Book 6 Hell Difficulty Saga Rick Liberty Video Audio Book More Video Game Industry Insights and Life Adventures


THE ADVENTURES OF RICK LIBERTY & HELL DIFFICULTY SAGA Narrated Video Audio Book REMEMBER: THIS IS FICTION – IT IS NOT REAL! Licenses, Disclaimers, and Copyrights: Uses AI Assisted Creation and AI Generated Art and Music Licenses from Stability.AI Uses Music & Sound Effect Libraries from CyberLink Power Director 365 Uses Music Licensed from Studio Cutz Music Libraries ALL CONTENT SHOULD BE CONSIDERED FICTIONAL AND NON-POLITICAL ..Any similarities to real-world persons, organizations, entities, events, or beliefs are not intended as real-world representations or narratives. Fictional variations of some real-world elements are used to enhance the stories. SENSITIVE CONTENT WARNING ..Content and Narratives Contain Materials and Concepts That May Be Offensive to Some People, Including Christianity, The Bible, The Old Testament, and Traditional Conservative Values, The Knights Templar Illuminati – Both Original Good Knights Templar + Branched Masonic Evil Illuminati, Heaven. Hell, Limbo, Celestial Beings, Planes of Existence, Faith, and Spiritual Concepts, National + World Governments and Billionaire Elites Control and Corruption of Religion & Humanity, Violence, Gore, and Death Descriptions and Visual Representations, including Human Abuse and Tragedy, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Generated Art, Music, and Spoken Voice, and My Real-World Experiences in Life from Childhood to Adult, including Work in the Video Game Industry All Content Created and Owned by Richard Seaborne: ..The Adventures of Rick Liberty, The Liberty Zone, The Hell Difficulty Saga, The Tech Zone, Tales and Lessons & Insights from the Video Game Industry, AI Demystified, and related stories, characters, content, books, podcasts, speech & narration, Videos, Human and AI Created + Edited Art and Images, AI Art Render Prompts + Editing + Modification, and Derivative Works are Copyright © 2021-2024 Richard Seaborne. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED! NOTE: Some Episodes or Content Have Been Censored. Check YouTube and Rumble to find missing episodes at: YOUTUBE: ..YouTube Channel & Name: @HellDifficulty & @CrispyHeart ..YouTube Playlists: ….“Book1 Hell Difficulty Saga Rick Liberty Video Audio Book” to “Book7 Hell Difficulty Saga Rick Liberty Video Audio Book” ….”Adventures of Rick Liberty Season 1 – AI Art Video” to ….” Adventures of Rick Liberty Season 4 – AI Art Video” …. “The Liberty Zone – Short Stories” ….” AI Demystified -Artificial Intelligence-AGI-Generative AI-LLM, GAN-Adversarial…” ….”Hell Difficulty Saga - Lessons & Insight from the Video Game Industry…” ….”Hell Difficulty Saga - Tales from the Video Game Industry - Narrated Book Stories from the Video Game Industry” ….”Teasers, Trailers, and Shorts for Adventures of Rick Liberty” RUMBLE (Playlists Only Available in Web Browser – Rumble Apps Must Use Video Channels vs Playlists): ..Rumble Channel & Name: @HellDifficulty & @CrispyHeart .. Rumble Playlists: ….“Book1HellDifficultySagaRickLibertyVideoAudioBook” to “Book7HellDifficultySagaRickLibertyVideoAudioBook” ….”AdventuresofRickLibertySeason1” to ….” AdventuresofRickLibertySeason4” …. “TheLibertyZone” ….” AIDemystified ….”Hell Difficulty Saga - Lessons & Insight from the Video Game Industry…” ….”Hell Difficulty Saga - Tales from the Video Game Industry - Narrated Book Stories from the Video Game Industry” ….”RickLibertyShortsTeasersAndTrailers”

Conservative and Libertarian Freedom Music


Here's the best of music for freedom and liberty minded people. It's easy to hear the garbage out there pumped into your head from folks who want you to worship at the altar of mind numb, mass produced trash. Outside of country music it seems that it's hard to find anything with liberty minded or anti State messaging. That's actually wrong. This channel will highlight music from ALL genres with positive pro liberty messages, concepts and lyrics. Enjoy and turn it up!