Archives Reloaded


Old Military fan here since my childhood. I saw countless videos about recolorization old clips, but I always saw that they were somehow not historically correct. I try to search around the Internet and Groups for original uniform / insigna / flag colours of the past and manual color the clips. It's a process made in some part automatically through AI filters and most of the retouch is done manually by me and with various software (DAVINCI Resolve the main one). Restoring old black and white films in color and enhancing them. ///////////////////////////////////////// "Fair Use" Copyright use - All rights belong to the original owner/s. Only parts of the original footage is edited for Informative and Discussion only! Non-political Channel

The "Brew For Change" Interactive


The "Brew For Change" Interactive We are dedicated to ending homelessness among Veterans by providing comprehensive support and resources. Our mission is to ensure that every Veteran has access to stable housing, mental health care, and job opportunities. Through targeted outreach, partnerships with local organizations, and advocacy, we strive to address the root causes of veteran homelessness and create sustainable solutions. By empowering those who have served our country, we aim to build a future where no Veteran is left without a home. Together we can make a difference. Homelessness among Veterans is a profound issue that affects thousands of men and women who have served their country. Many Veterans face unique challenges in transitioning from military to civilian life, leading to a crisis where the sacrifices of service are met with instability, lack of support, and homelessness. Our mission is to address this urgent issue by providing comprehensive support and resources, ensuring that every Veteran has access to stable housing, mental health care, and job opportunities. Through targeted outreach, partnerships with local organizations, and robust advocacy efforts, we aim to address the root causes of Veteran homelessness. By doing so, we create sustainable solutions that empower those who have served our country, helping them rebuild their lives and secure a future filled with stability, opportunity, and dignity. Our vision is clear: a world where no Veteran is left without a home. Let's collaborate! Thanks, Jack Bosma "Inspect what you expect."

Native Seed Bank - Thailand


Mission Statement: To Locate/Record/Sample/Collect/Store, then Sell and Grow as many of mystical Thailands historic and unique native land race cannabis strains from North to South... before they disappear forever following this years inevitable foreign seed and 'new' genetics invasion! Time is ticking... #1 - Thai Squirrel Tail/Thai-Sticks - 'Hang Kra Rog' (Southern Thailand) Type: Open Pollinated NLD Landrace Style: Ganja Provincial variations include: Songkhla - Phattalung - Nakhon si Thammarat - Koh Samui Region: Nakhon si Thammarat, Southern Thailand Appellation: Southern Tenasserim Known Potency Range: Usually equal parts THC/CBD ranging from 13-30% History: Thai and Afghan land race hybrid Used traditionally as a relief to monotonous/repetitive hard work and rural life being smoked throughout the day in dried Nipa Palm leaves - tobacco mixes etc. Potency was and still is consistently ideal for this historic cultural/social purpose! SEEDS AVAILABLE NOW

Business Motiversity


Welcome to Motiversity's new Business Motivation channel, where you will find only the BEST business motivation, inspiration, and speeches from the greatest entrepreneurs, business leaders, founders and wealthiest people of all time. On this channel you will discover motivational and eye opening speeches on business, finance, wealth, life and success, all delivered in an original Motiversity video. All videos are licensed or fully produced by Motiversity. Interviews are licensed from our partners or produced on our shows The Icons by Motiversity and The Motiversity Show. Subscribe with notifications on to be notified when we release new videos!🔥