Makanan dan masakan dari segala penjuru dunia


Kami mendirikan Tastemade dengan satu tujuan, yaitu untuk menghubungkan dunia melalui makanan. Saat istimewa yang paling sering menyatukan kita dalam kehidupan adalah saat kita berada di seputar makanan, itu adalah saat dimana kita saling berkumpul satu sama lain. Kami tau bahwa kami tidak dapat melakukan ini sendiri dan kami pun tidak menginginkan itu. Untuk mewujudkan tujuan Ini dibutuhkan orang-orang yang memiliki semangat yang kuat dan memiliki kecintaan yang dalam terhadap makanan. Untunglah para Tastemakers dari segala penjuru dunia seperti mu telah membuat konten yang sangat baik. Bagikanlah konten ini dan hubungkanlah satu orang lagi setiap harinya.

The Clippings - "Inspiration for Every Day"


Welcome to The Clippings, your go-to destination for daily motivational content that empowers, inspires, and drives you to achieve your goals. Whether you're looking for a quick boost of positivity, life-changing advice, or powerful stories of resilience and success, our channel provides the fuel you need to stay motivated and reach your full potential. Join our community and transform your mindset with new videos every week, featuring motivational speeches, success stories, and practical tips to help you conquer challenges and embrace your journey towards greatness. Subscribe now and let The Clippings be your companion on the path to a better, more inspired you!

D.E.B.S. Homestead- In God We Trust- GOD Loves You, I Love You & Have a Wonderful Day


D.E.B.S. Homestead Channel is about giving All Glory to God the Father. Everything that I was paralyzed from doing when I was in the Wilderness of Sin (Exodus 17:1) is being returned to me. I am being brought out of the wilderness by the Most Amazing, Wonderful and Boundless Father God!, and these are the best days of my Life! In the past I've brought you canning videos and other how-to types, but now my content will always be driven by the Holy Spirit as I am doing it for God! I owe everything to Him! He is showing me the evil spirits in my loved ones, physically and spiritually! Join me as I get to know my God, the Almighty One True God, Jehovah Nissi (Exodus 17:15) And Moses built an altar and called the name of it, The Lord [Jehovah] is my Banner [Nissi];. Deuteronomy 10:12 And now, Israel [Christians], what does the Lord your God require of you but [reverently] to fear the Lord your God, [that is] to walk in all His ways, and to love Him, and to serve the Lord your God with all your [mind and] heart and with your entire being.