Endtimes Watchmen Christian Bible Prophecy


The Endtimes Watchmen are a group of Spirit-led, Bible believing disciples of Jesus Christ who believe that we are living in the final brief moments before Jesus returns. The birth pangs are increasing, the trumpets are starting to sound, the horsemen are being released and the return of Jesus is imminent. In these days of tribulation, we aim to support, pray for, encourage and keep on the narrow path all those who are truly awake, staying alert, and watching out for our coming King.

Practical Christianity Verified


Practical Christianity - this groundbreaking series will offer a fresh perspective on the daily practice of Christian principles in today’s complex world. While many focus on theological debates and soteriology, Practical Christianity emphasizes the often-overlooked basics: living out faith and love in tangible ways. By addressing these fundamental issues first, the show aims to create a foundation for more meaningful discussions on other theological matters. This common-sense approach showcases real-life examples of biblical principles at work, helping people connect with the essence of Christianity, especially during the challenging times of the past four years.

La Trinchera con Christian Sobrino


Bienvenidos a La Trinchera con Christian Sobrino donde pueden escuchar conversaciones profundas con figuras de alto perfil y todos los relieves en la discusión pública de Puerto Rico. Desde oficiales electos, activistas, miembros de la Junta de Supervisión Fiscal, comentaristas políticos, funcionarios del gobierno corrientes y del pasado, hasta empresarios, twiteros y podcasteros. Todos se sientan con Christian Sobrino para discutir de forma relajada y profunda los temas más controversiales que otros programas no tocan ni con una vara de nueve pies. Suscribanse y atrevanse a entrar a La Trinchera en su plataforma de podcasts favorita. Christian Sobrino Vega es un abogado corporativo puertorriqueño, ensayista, podcastero y ex funcionario público que ocupó numerosos puestos de alto perfil en el Gobierno de Puerto Rico. Su variada trayectoria le ha brindado una perspectiva única sobre el discurso público corriente.