The Global Influencer Partners Program

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Habits is everything. You rise and fall on habits. The right habits can position you to win with money, business and relationships. This platform "Habits N Money" is designed to give you strategies, tools, processes and systems to win in business and in life. This platform will enable you to learn from best selling authors, financial advisors, real estate investors, sales communication specialist, project management practitioners, digital marketing specialist and so many more. We invite and encourage you to be a part of this community: Write to us, share your thoughts with us. Know and feel you are a vital part of this financial leadership connection. Every year we will identify 100 person to mentor, coach and support to become better with finance, start their own businesses or attain financial independence. Send us a text in the chat or email below and let us know your interest to benefit from these offers.

Hadassah Vincent Barucabamusic Global Network

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Barucabamusic Global Network Worship Train in compliance to John4:23-24 arise to flood the earth with our praise & worship to Jesus. HE alone deserves our worship Rev 4:11. For thus saith God, this is a Thursday, it will happen on a Friday, the Restoration of Eden before Adam sinned, like a second Eden. Isa 51:3b Join this 11th hour global Remnant of anointed lovers & Ministers of Jesus on this threshing floor as we honour HIS precious Blood. We are valuable in Jesus, the one we love & adore, the treasure in our earthen vessel & the only authentic eternal VALUABLE & desire of all Nations! With the joy of the Lord as my ATM Card embedded in the love of God, I draw from the Well of Salvation, the bounties of His Treasure House to worship HIM in Spirit & in truth! Join us. DAILY@GMT+1- 6am RefreshingTheRemnant;11am 90Minutes With Jesus;9:30pm-TenStringsPraise; 00:00 My 2324 Shepherd MONTHLY@6pm-6pm GMT+1 for 24hrs Worship 3rd Fridays; 3pm Divine Reliance every 21st

Get all the latest developments in the politics of the world.

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"Dive into the heart of global political dynamics with 'GlobalPulsePolitics,' your ultimate destination for staying informed on the latest developments shaping the world's political landscape. As an authoritative Rumble channel dedicated to delivering comprehensive coverage, we strive to keep you abreast of the ever-evolving narratives and impactful decisions that influence international affairs. At 'GlobalPulsePolitics,' we understand the importance of being well-informed in today's interconnected world, where political events can have far-reaching consequences. Our mission is to unravel the complexities of world politics and present you with in-depth analyses, breaking news, and insightful commentary that goes beyond the headlines. We sift through the noise to bring you a clear and concise understanding of the geopolitical shifts, diplomatic maneuvers, and policy changes that define our global reality. Whether it's the intricacies of international relations, the dynamics of regional conflicts, or the policies shaping economies around the globe, our channel is your go-to source for a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of world political affairs. We don't just report the news; we provide context, explore historical precedents, and engage in thought-provoking discussions to empower you with a well-rounded perspective. Join our community of politically curious minds as we navigate the complex tapestry of global politics together. From election updates and geopolitical analyses to profiles of influential leaders and diplomatic breakthroughs, 'GlobalPulsePolitics' is committed to delivering content that sparks intelligent conversations and fosters a deeper appreciation for the intricate web of relationships that define our world. Stay connected, stay informed, and join us on a journey through the corridors of power with 'GlobalPulsePolitics'—your passport to understanding the pulse of the world's political heartbeat."

Global News

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