I Write To Fight-1776Rewind


A Nation in Distress -Like, subscribe and share this video. I'm willing to die for what I believe in, which is, Love for God, the nuclear family and country, because if we lose our freedom, then we are dead already!!! When you support my book, you support America. My book can be purchased on my publishers website, Archway publishing or any major website selling books like Amazon. Here are the links: https://www.archwaypublishing.com/en/bookstore/bookdetails/823986-1776-rewind https://www.amazon.com/1776-REWIND-Awakening-Revolutionary-letters/dp/1665724536

DiscereProVita Education and Training


All about interesting topics for specific material or just lifelong learning. The name of the channel is the Latin phrase the means "Life-long Learning", which is the purpose of this channel. To help anyone we can continue to learn and grow. Lifelong learning is the key to a more fulfilling and happy life! The more you know the more you know you don't know! This channel is dedicated to learning. Early videos are primarily about economics due to the founder being an instructor of economics at the time of the launch. As useful and amazing as the study of economics is, we will strive to produce learning videos about all types of information that we and our subscribers find interesting or request. Visit our website at Discereprovita.com as well!

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