just some human dude
8 Followersobservation and thoughts
observation and thoughts
Rust and Elite: Dangerous Gameplay and Tutorial videos!
Are you Mission Ready? Are you lost and looking for direction? We're here to provide men with a vision for their calling as God ordained it.
I am also known as the Candid Playa. I search the city, trying to find women who like to shoeplay Step into a world of style and play! Join us now for an exclusive collection of captivating shoeplay videos. From chic flats to elegant heels, experience the magic of fashionable footwear like never before. Our curated content promises to indulge your passion for shoes and playful moments. Don't miss out—join today and elevate your love for fashion and fun! 👠✨ #ShoeplayAdventures : https://www.buymeacoffee.com/theadultman
Cute Animals YouTube :- https://youtu.be/ztYipzUCqvk
Aloha! Here be videos that I have created when feeling inspired by my work and passion: living life and learning the grand music of the luminary bodies that we call astrology and, more recently, Human Design and the Gene Keys. I also enjoy sharing various points of view and exploring different perspectives to more thoroughly explore life and all its facets. For more information, or if you would like to book a session, please feel free to reach out to me, Chloe, directly at chloe@polar-compass.com or at csalle@hawaii.edu. Consultations are $145 for 60+ minutes. More information can be found at my website: www.polar-compass.com Donations are always welcome and help to fund the production of free content: Paypal: https://paypal.me/ChloeSalle?locale.x=en_US Venmo & Cash App: @TheChloeBear
We are Done! Normal, Just Do It! Be Free! Just stop being batshit crazy! Enough IS Enough. Governments will not stop their insanity, only the Living Men and Living Women can stop this evil, will you add your Will & Voice? Living Men and Living Women teaming together for our common good. It's time Governments were forced to bail out the "Living", not bail out the Dead Corpse-orations at the expense of the Living Men and Living Women, enough is enough! #Rise #WeAreDone #BeFree
Travel, Entertainment, Manosphere, Politics
Podcast on Escaping the Matrix. Personal Development and Individual Enrichment. Learn How to Manifest Abundance, Build Your Mindset, Wealth Creation, Sports Investing, Health and Nutrition, and Fostering a Vibrant Community for Social Development.
Guitar Man TV's proposal (guitarman.tv) is to form a collaborative community focused on Rock with a focus on the integration of artists, musicians, teachers and music lovers in general. Thus, one promotes the other and Music thanks you! A proposta da Guitar Man TV (guitarman.tv) é formar uma comunidade colaborativa voltada ao Rock com foco na integração de artistas, músicos, professores e amantes da música em geral. Assim, um promove o outro e a Música agradece! La propuesta de Guitar Man TV (guitarman.tv) es formar una comunidad colaborativa enfocada en el Rock con enfoque en la integración de artistas, músicos, profesores y amantes de la música en general. Der Vorschlag von Guitar Man TV (guitarman.tv) besteht darin, eine kollaborative Community mit Schwerpunkt auf Rock zu bilden, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Integration von Künstlern, Musikern, Lehrern und Musikliebhabern im Allgemeinen liegt. LET'S PLAY TOGETHER ON GUITARMAN.TV!
Small Engine Repair and other skills
In this series, we interview people who have experienced or witnessed injury or death as a result of lack of informed consent, mandated medical procedures, and other issues relating to health freedom.
Informazioni sui Diritti Umani e Libera Scelta
Guiding people to their best soul paths
New Paleo/Neolithic, Proto Mesopotamia Civilization area found Atlantic coast US
While I was running, a strong feeling came over me to proclaim my true faith in our living, loving God. At around 6:00 am each day, I will profess to the world my faith in God & Jesus , share a funny anecdote (or 2, or 3) about my life and my dog, and say the Lords Prayer. We will see where this goes. I really have a passion for helping the Homeless. See...The Bear (that is me) was "unhomed" in 2019. That is when I thought of starting Humans4HelpingHumans. My dream is: To go to just one city (big or small), and make sure everyone eats for just one day. Then figure out how I can repeat that the next day. Baby steps. Actually, I have a bunch of great ideas. There is no reason that anyone should be without food. So that is it in a nutshell. God loves you unconditionally (and so does your dog, which is God backwards - coincidence? - Hmmm) Have a blessed day!
Truth is objective, singular and eternal; it has always been and will always be. This document is drawn from decades of research and publicly available sources rather than personal opinions. This book is about developing the ability to tell the truth from falsehood and recognise causal factors, i.e., the causes for the effects we experience in manifested reality. To end suffering, one must awaken to the objective truth of how things are beyond the mind-control. The problem is not outside oneself; however, the tendency is to blame others, the occultists, the government, etc. Suffering, is due, to not knowing about and therefore living out of accordance with Natural Law, not standing up for what is right and moral, not understanding one’s sovereignty, and not respecting the sovereignty of others.
Inside of every person is a fear detector. When you learn how to use your fear detector you can change your fears into guidance and forever be fear free. This channel is dedicated to exploring how to get rid of all fear in your life and transform your world into an empower experience every day.
Ecosystem Pattern Sets - Human Intelligence in AI
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