"The Early Report" w/ Eric Early


It’s time America for the Eric Early show. “I believe we’re in a battle of good versus evil in this country right now. I’m here fighting against this creeping socialist/communist takeover that we’re watching.” Eric is a successful businessman and attorney living in Los Angeles and is now taking on the Swamp in Washington, running as a candidate against corrupt career politician Adam Schiff. Eric Early is fearless and his mission is to expose the underbelly of the beast. Get out of your comfort zone. You are about to be woke for The Eric Early Show. Coast to coast and house to house.

Thorben´s Nord-Report


Ich besuche Demos gegen die Corona-Maßnahmen und den allgemeinen Wahnsinn den unsere "tolle" Regierung so verzapft! Dort filme ich und unterstütze dadurch diese Demos auf meine Weise,auch um das Ganze für die Nachwelt festzuhalten! Besonders am Herzen liegt mir z.B. auch die falsche Berichterstattung in unseren "Qualitätsmedien" da ich mich seit Jugendtagen recht intensiv mit den Medien befasse und es unhaltbar ist,wie politisch gesteuert diese agieren! Als ehemaliges Teammitglied von "Gemeinsam Stark Bremerhaven" und als Cuxhavener werden meine Schwerpunkte auch weiterhin auf diesen Gruppen liegen! Frieden - Freiheit - Selbstbestimmung!

the art school


Hi, welcome to The art school My video shows, art, digital painting, digital art, drawing, village scenery drawing, coloring, cartoon character drawing, that beginner can easily draw. You will also learn, art, digital painting, digital art, drawing, village scenery drawing, coloring, cartoon character drawing, flower drawing, art tips, how to draw landscape, I hope the beginner will enjoy my drawings and short video's, and try them at home....thank you❤️ Don't forget to like my videos. Please subscribe to my channel to gate more Video's . #the_art_school #art #digitalart

Mainstream media non-reported videos


Mainstream media unreported videos, deleted from on the Internet. 主流メディアが報道しないインターネット上から削除された動画。 ----- Mainstream media non-reported videos En:Mainstream media unreported videos, deleted from on the Internet. Jp:主流メディアが報道しないインターネット上から削除された動画。 https://rumble.com/c/c-1147023 リチャード・コシミズ講演(2024年) Jp:リチャード・コシミズ氏の2024年講演会動画 https://rumble.com/c/c-5517226 リチャード・コシミズ講演(2023年) Jp:リチャード・コシミズ氏の2023年講演会動画 https://rumble.com/c/rkvideoarchive2023 (旧URL:https://rumble.com/c/c-2206902) リチャード・コシミズ講演(2022年) Jp:リチャード・コシミズ氏の2022年講演会動画 https://rumble.com/c/rkvideoarchive2022 (旧URL:https://rumble.com/c/c-1312543) リチャード・コシミズ講演(2021年) Jp:リチャード・コシミズ氏の2021年講演会動画 https://rumble.com/c/c-1312483 リチャード・コシミズ講演(2020年) Jp:リチャード・コシミズ氏の2020年講演会動画 https://rumble.com/c/c-1165583 リチャード・コシミズ講演(2019年) Jp:リチャード・コシミズ氏の2019年講演会動画 https://rumble.com/c/c-1161573 リチャード・コシミズ講演(2018年) Jp:リチャード・コシミズ氏の2018年講演会動画 https://rumble.com/c/c-1161563 リチャード・コシミズ講演(2017年) Jp:リチャード・コシミズ氏の2017年講演会動画 https://rumble.com/c/c-1161553 リチャード・コシミズ講演(2016年) Jp:リチャード・コシミズ氏の2016年講演会動画 https://rumble.com/c/c-1161543 リチャード・コシミズ講演(2015年) Jp:リチャード・コシミズ氏の2015年講演会動画 https://rumble.com/c/c-1161533 リチャード・コシミズ講演(2014年) Jp:リチャード・コシミズ氏の2014年講演会動画 https://rumble.com/c/c-1161523 リチャード・コシミズ講演(2013年) Jp:リチャード・コシミズ氏の2013年講演会動画 https://rumble.com/c/c-1161513 リチャード・コシミズ講演(2012年) Jp:リチャード・コシミズ氏の2012年講演会動画 https://rumble.com/c/c-1161503 リチャード・コシミズ講演(2011年) Jp:リチャード・コシミズ氏の2011年講演会動画 https://rumble.com/c/c-1161493 リチャード・コシミズ講演(2010年) Jp:リチャード・コシミズ氏の2010年講演会動画 https://rumble.com/c/c-1161483 リチャード・コシミズ講演(2009年) Jp:リチャード・コシミズ氏の2009年講演会動画 https://rumble.com/c/c-1161473 リチャード・コシミズ講演(2008年) Jp:リチャード・コシミズ氏の2008年講演会動画 https://rumble.com/c/c-1161463 リチャード・コシミズ講演(2007年) Jp:リチャード・コシミズ氏の2007年講演会動画 https://rumble.com/c/c-1161453 リチャード・コシミズ講演(2006年) Jp:リチャード・コシミズ氏の2006年講演会動画 https://rumble.com/c/c-1161443 ---- waterband https://rumble.com/user/waterband

Crowded Market Report By Jason Shapiro


www.crowdedmarketreport.com - Join the CMR community for direct interaction with Jason. You will also receive a weekly report, weekly charts not found anywhere else, a weekly COT index, and access to a private Discord server that is active seven days a week. Our goal is to help viewers learn more about trading, risk management and what it truly means to be contrarian. The Video series will include highlights from our weekly Crowded Market Report published by Jason Shapiro and the CMR Publishing Team, educational videos and general commentary on the markets. Our motto is "slow road to the rich house" so if you are looking for get-rich-quick advice, you are at the wrong channel. Jason has 30+ years of trading experience, is a hedge fund manager, and was featured in Jack Schwager's latest book: Unknown Market Wizards. Chapter 2 - The Contrarian. Disclaimer: This is not trading advice. Videos posted on this channel are for educational purposes only.

Happy Hearts


I believe that the world can be a better place. I believe that we can create a world where everyone is treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. I believe that we can create a world where everyone has access to the basic necessities of life, such as food, water, shelter, and education. I believe that we can create a world where everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential. I know that this is a lofty goal, but I believe it is possible. I believe that we can achieve it if we work together. We can start by being kind to each other, even to those who are different from us. We can start by helping those in need. We can start by speaking out against injustice. I believe that we can make a difference. I believe that we can create a better world. I believe that we can leave a legacy of hope for future generations. Please join me in this journey. Together, we can make the world a better place.

Trending Viral Video: Deep House, Relaxing ASMR, and Heart-Healing Quran Recitation"


Most beautiful Quran recitation Description: Get ready for a mesmerizing experience with our latest trending video that combines the best of various genres to create a truly captivating and viral masterpiece. This video is an enchanting blend of soul-soothing elements, featuring relaxing deep house beats, satisfying ASMR sounds, and heart-healing Quran recitation. Immerse yourself in the tranquility of this video as it takes you on a journey through a beautiful house set against a serene backdrop of nature. Find your inner peace and calm your mind while exploring different mindset-enhancing activities, including stress relief techniques, meditation, space exploration, and sleep-inducing visuals. The soothing melodies and enchanting visuals are carefully crafted to provide a deeply calming effect, ideal for studying, practicing yoga, or simply chilling out after a long day. Whether you're running errands or seekin