On the Real Fishing

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Let's go get on the reel and try to catch some fish! Welcome to the journey of a beginner fisherman learning the ins and outs of catching fish, catching them quickly and trying out new gear every chance I can. I hope to be able to help others who are new to fishing, to find out how to enjoy this great sport and hobby. Let's celebrate the good days but, also work together to figure out what happened on the bad ones so we can be ready for next time. This is REAL fishing, not every day is going to bring a lunker. But, everyday should bring us a little bit closer. Thank you so much for checking out On the Real Fishing. Like the videos you want to see more of and if you would, Subscribe to the channel to join in the journey from beginner, to something better. ~Josh

Fishing Tips&Tricks

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Welcome to our fishing channel! Here, we share our passion for the great outdoors and the art of fishing. From freshwater to saltwater, we cover it all. Join us as we explore different fishing techniques, tips, and tricks to help you catch more fish. We also showcase some of the most beautiful and scenic fishing destinations around the world. Whether you're a seasoned angler or just starting out, we've got something for everyone. So, grab your rod and reel and let's go fishing! Don't forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell to stay up to date on our latest videos.

High Altitude Brands - Fish More, Fish Easier

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High Altitude Brands was started out of a passion for fishing in the remotest of places and with backpackers, hikers, and travelers in mind. Started by Todd Welch, Todd loves to fish High Altitude lakes in remote mountain lakes. But he could never find the right fishing equipment to make life easier, so he decided to create the equipment that he would need. Like you, we wanted fishing equipment that was easy to take with us yet strong and durable because if you are in the middle of nowhere and your equipment breaks you do not have the option to run to the store and get a replacement. To make things even better, we know that a fishing kid makes a good kid, so when you buy High Altitude Brand fishing equipment a percentage of proceeds go toward getting more kids out fishing. High Altitude Brands will partner with and hold fishing outings for kids where they will receive High Altitude Brand fishing rods and be shown how to use them and we will get them out fishing.

"Reel Adventures: Exploring Waters"

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"Welcome to 'Reel Adventures: Exploring [Your Fishing Zone] Waters'! Join us as we embark on thrilling fishing expeditions in the heart of [Your Fishing Zone]. Our channel is dedicated to sharing the joy of angling, offering expert tips, showcasing breathtaking catches, and connecting with fellow fishing enthusiasts. Whether you're a seasoned angler or just dipping your toes into the world of fishing, our channel is your ultimate resource for all things fishing in [Your Fishing Zone]. Dive in, cast your line, and let's reel in unforgettable memories together!"

#oceanarium #aquarium #fish #bournemouth #travel #oceanariumbournemouth #sealife

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