Being Human Now


Welcome Tribe! On this channel we explore what it really means to be a human being. What are we really meant to be doing in this realm? We explore natural healing, hidden history, occult knowledge, the supernatural, and new ways of living. We are meant to be more than we've been told and we know it! "I am just a human being trying to make it in a world that is rapidly losing its understanding of being human." ~John Trudell "The human heart, as of course we all know, is essentially good. But between governments, false gods, striving for survival, the heart gets mixed up with the head and the feet and the elbows and the intestine. And the peace and the madness. And the heart gets strangled out a bit. It's a good organ and there is complete hope for humanity if it ever gets a little bit straight. It's all there, it's totally there, there is total hope of goodness forever. But we got lost somewhere. How we can ever straighten that out, I don't know." ~Charles Bukowski

Almanaque Militar


Um canal de Geopolítica, Estratégia, Defesa e História Militar! Pra você que gosta de conteúdos atuais, análises de filmes, games e militaria, o Almanaque é pra você! Desde 2012 mantemos uma fanpage no Facebook e Instagram com muito conteúdo diário e atualizado, sempre preservando o máximo das fontes para gerar, em você, CREDIBILIDADE! E em 2020, entramos em definitivo no Youtube! Por fim, deixo um convite pra você: faça parte do CLUBE do ALMANAQUE MILITAR, um local destinado à aulas exclusivas e análises geopolíticas, históricas e militares! Acesse: Ficou curioso sobre tudo, acesse nosso Site, Youtube, Facebook, Podcast e Spotify: Att, Bruno Guiguer (@brunoguiguer)

Homeopathic Medicine details and uses channel


Dr.Abdul Manan is a specialized Homeopathy Doctor having vast and explicit experience in the field of Homeopathy since many years. From common cold, acidity to serious illness such as gallstones, Cirrhosis of the Liver, fatty liver, High BP, he has provided great relief through his unique ability of understanding the illness and providing with effective homeopathic medicine with proper dosages. Dr.Abdul Manan is on a mission to transform the health of crores all across Pakistan. Contact No 03049081726 for whatsapp only Thanks for watching my channel...