

Our Web Site and Face Book pages are dedicated to all of you Outdoor Folks who are as passionate about the Great Outdoors as we are.On our Facebook page you will also be able to follow the Carolina Outdoor Magazine Staff as we venture across America filming outdoor television for you to enjoy.You will be able to follow our pro staff and view pictures and video clips of our shows.You will also be able to find and share new and old techniques passed along from other anglers and hunters as well as from the guides and outfitters that we use in the production of Outdoor Sportsmen\\\'s Television and Carolina Outdoor Magazine.. Our goal is to provide you with the latest information and new ideas. We sincerely hope that you will find our Face Book pages and web site, a place that will provide you with information and ideas to help you on your next hunting and fishing adventure in the great outdoors.

Theodora von Auersperg International Foundation


~ Private Non-Profit Organization for the Good of Animals and Children - based in Vienna, Austria. ~ Founded by Princess Theodora von Auersperg with the Purpose and Dedication to Support Animal Welfare and Children’s Aid Projects. ~ Regard, Respect & Protect nature, it’s creatures and the most vulnerable among us. ~ Celebrate Life - "HELP" Save A Soul ~ ~ We are embracing all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. - For CORPORATE SPONSORSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES or PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES please contact us directly. ~ DONATIONS are welcome and appreciated at: - Bank: Erste Bank der österreichischen Sparkassen AG - Account: Theodora von Auersperg International Foundation - Account Nr.: AT39 2011 1848 9001 0600 - BIC / SWIFT: GIBAATWW - PayPal: Contributions/Donations to Theodora von Auersperg (TvA) International Foundation are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law in your country. - Registration-Nr.: 1443604553 • VAT-Nr.: ATU79848934

The Game Theorists


Hello Internet! Welcome to GAME THEORY! If you’re like us, then you’ve probably wondered about the secrets hidden in your favorite games. We explore the vast lore of Minecraft, piece together the craziest FNAF conspiracies, and cover the whole world of indie gaming on this channel. Join the ORIGINAL Team Theorist and Level up by hitting subscribe!For even more theories, check out our other channels: Food Theory, Film Theory, and Style Theory!We have a strict policy on image use for our videos, which includes only using images licensed for reuse. If we use fanart we try to find a proper source to credit the artist, but sometimes things slip through. If you think we have used your art without your permission please let us know on the Game Theorist subreddit.