

Tag along with News anchor David James as he scans the Fake News Headlines. This show News Bytes will refresh you and give you a correct perspective of the news stories in the FAKE Mainstream Jewish controlled Media. The Archives for News Bytes are here: https://davidjamesboston.com/newsbytes/ My e-mail: davidjamesboston@gmail.com Web: https://davidjamesboston.com/archives/ Web streaming: https://odysee.com/@TheNarrowRoad:8?view=content Telegram Chatgroup: https://t.me/NARROWROADCHAT https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=F726LJRWXEEB2 Should you wish to support the endeavour to continue to edify: cash.app/$davidjamesboston ( a useful Youtube video on cashapp is here [ Ignore the $5 thingy for safety & security please ] : https://youtu.be/9LpC_5Ke5HE ) Amazon US Gift Card donations in USD are most welcome too ( please use e-mail address davidjamesboston@gmail.com ) - How to send an Amazon Gift Card Youtube video is here: https://youtu.be/-bh41B7a0Y4 Cross Border Amazon Gift Card donations - this Youtube video titled " How to buy an Amazon GIFT CARD for another country " might be useful: https://youtu.be/yP3yZbRYdBw To donate LBRY Credits ( via odysee.com ) - my address is: bX8reHTZ6tpk7AkHTvsyziX6DJdvxzExEo QR Code, for LBRY Credits. just in case: https://imgur.com/fcavZbk

Handpan Music by legendary Handpan Player Davide Swarup


Davide Swarup is a renowned handpan player and musician from Italy. He has gained international recognition for his unique and mesmerizing style of playing this rare instrument. The handpan is a steel percussion instrument that produces soothing and ethereal sounds. Davide's music is deeply rooted in spirituality and his performances are known to transport audiences to a state of tranquility and inner peace. With his passionate and intuitive approach to music, he effortlessly weaves together different melodies and rhythms, creating a harmonious and captivating experience for his listeners. Davide's talent as a musician extends beyond his technical skills; he possesses a deep understanding of the power of music to heal and connect people on a profound level. Through his music, Davide Swarup continues to inspire and touch the hearts of people all around the world. www.davideswarup.com

Exposing The Worldwide Vaxinator Death Jab Depop Agenda


This Channel is to help expose all the lies about the made up boogeyman virus until it was created and now injected directly into the scared and ignorant. Not limited to one country. This is about our fight for freedom as human beings against the evil who knows what they are or where they are from satanic worshipping shitstain unelected fake leaders of the world and all of the bet corrupt uniform military sold out muts [not soldiers] and the corrupted uniforms on the streets in each city disguised as police who are actually corrupt parasites dressed as police.