Stephan & Corrie Ainley

1 Follower

Hello! We're happy to announce a new chapter for the Ainleys. No we're not pregnant, but we DO feel like something has been building and stirring for some time with the increase of more and more online content out there. Between the two of us, we've got a lot of experience and content we're feeling called to start making. Stephan has already started working on worship sets and Corrie will be working on short videos (small sermonettes) to share and bless others with. Thanks for your support and joining us on this journey. We're not sure where it'll end up, but we're excited to say YES and get started with it all.

Quote Unquote Podcast

1 Follower

Thanks for checking out the Quote Unquote Podcast on Rumble! I'm a 23 y/o content creator and I want to have an IMPACT on the younger generations when it comes to political/moral viewpoints. I hope to bring you weekly content that will at the very least inform you in a more modern style. The fact that you are here means that you are somewhat interested in what's going on in the world and you care about the future of our amazing country. I hope that you got something out of listening or watching one of my videos. Hit the links bellow to find me on social media! 🔻