Living in the Light - Studies in First John


Although Christ offered everyone the gift of salvation, many people are still living in darkness today. The book of First John is one of the most simple, yet profound, texts in the Bible on walking in the light - and in true fellowship with God through Jesus Christ. In Living in the Light, Dr. Jeremiah brings out the heart of John's message: Salvation is not found in hidden, secret knowledge, but is found in the light of Christ, revealed and manifested by loving God and loving each other. 2023 FALL Home Group Study

The John Malone Show


With a background in Motorsports, Entertainment, and Marketing. John brings a unique view on problem solving and conflict resolution. In a modern world full of hyperbole and 24 hour News and Social Media. There is a lot of noise. No answers, no fixes, just lots of empty promises of change and talking points. This is where John attempts to leverage his business background and talent as a divergent thinker to bring objectivity and some common sense solutions with a little nuance.