2 FollowersAn apostolic outreach ministry mandated to make disciples for Jesus.
Jesus Joy Global
2 FollowersA channel providing hope, encouragement and a biblical perspective
2 FollowersThere are only 2 rules : 1. I am always right 2. If u do not agree slap yourself and see rule number one.
2 FollowersA channel with JESUS CHRIST and HIS TEACHINGS, as quoted from the Holy Bible.
TJM de Jesus
2 FollowersPainting Videos and Drone Footages
Jesus is Coming!
2 FollowersAs the First Seal have been broken now everything changes and we will live in a very unusual world. Let us love and help one another to make it to Eternity, since now we know it is not very far as Jesus our lord and Saviour will help us to make it.e
Law, Political Science and Theology. Jesus Christ Reigns! Brazil above all!
2 FollowersIt is a channel managed by the lawyer passionate about Human Sciences Dr. Hianco Amorim de São Pedro, which addresses important themes in Law, Political Science and Theology. In addition to having a law degree from Faculdade Batista Brasileira and a post-graduate degree in Criminal Sciences from Dom Petrun, I started the undergraduate course in Social Sciences at the State University of Bahia, which I am very happy about because I am always motivated to learn and share everything intellectual content with Brazilian society. Contato: hianco.advcriminalista@gmail.com e hianco@hotmail.com.
Jesus and His Teachings
2 FollowersThe Channel is dedicated to pointing people back to Jesus!
Encountering Jesus
2 FollowersThis channel is dedicated to exploring our access to the Kingdom of God through Jesus Christ our Savior.
2 FollowersJesusllovera04
2 Followersjezieljesus01
2 Followersjesus2353
2 Followersiknowthejesus
2 FollowersJesusvlogs_11
2 FollowersAutres web tv : N°1 https://bit.ly/3LO9FaB N°2 https://bit.ly/44VfhHS N°3 https://kick.com/jcrchannel1tv Administrateur principal: Prophète Gréhoua Bolo Daniel Adresse : 01 BP 1968 Bouaké 01 Côte-D'ivoire Telegram / WhatsApp : +225 O1 43 77 43 81 Prédications au à télécharger : https://audio.com/jesus-christ-revient-channel-1?page=5 SITE WEB sites.google.com/view/jesus-christ-revient-channel-1/accueil RADIO LIVE : zeno.fm/radio/jcrchannel1-famille et zeno.fm/radio/jesuschristrevientchannel1
2 FollowersJesuslsKing
2 FollowersJesus is King" is a Christian channel dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and promoting Christian values. It features a variety of content, including sermons, teachings, music videos, and inspirational messages. The channel aims to provide spiritual guidance, encouragement, and support to viewers.
2 FollowersPilate, the Roman governor in Jerusalem, asked Jesus, "What is the truth?"
2 FollowersThe Truth is a Person, a King, and a Lamb's Sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. Laying down His divine privileges, Jesus, the True and Perfect image of God in flesh, took away the sins of the world. This Truth reclaimed the keys to sin, death, and hell. He will return soon to call His Bride out of the world.
2 FollowersVarious Christian videos
Jesus Testimonies
2 Followers"Jesus Testimonies" is all about filming and sharing people's testimonies about Jesus and there personal story of miraculous encounters with God. Let the world know your experience and inspire lost people to come to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be an encouragement to new and seasoned Christians alike in their Faith.
Reading the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ
2 FollowersReading the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Read by Darrin Lee Pruett. The Holy Bible, New King James Version.
Revelation of Jesus Christ
2 FollowersI testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book.
Seedelle - content to give glory to our Lord Jesus
2 FollowersCreate videos and content that would glorify the Lord, and with the Lord’s help would spread His word and gospel message
Juan 3:16
2 FollowersWhy Jesus Book Series Podcast
2 FollowersWhat God has done in your life through Jesus Christ can never be taken away from you. It is your testimony that will follow you into eternity. This is perhaps the first collection of stories, essays, and testimonies ever collected in our life time that will declare Why Jesus is Who He is, Why He is, and Where He is – inside the believer. This series of books will include such writings by Christians worldwide, and your story, essay, or testimony could contribute to one or more of these titles.
Jesus Is King
2 FollowersA Christian channel, with most any content.