NickV Ministries


I am Nick Vujucic, born without arms or legs. Welcome to these life-changing resources. NickV Ministries is all about sharing this same hope and genuine love that I have personally experienced with people all over the globe. Doors seem open to a man without arms and legs much more easily than to anyone else. We thank God for providing that privilege. I have been invited into very unexpected places to share my faith in Jesus Christ and literally millions have responded. We hope you will watch, engage with, and share the videos on our channel! To learn more about the ministry visit

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Omega Mission: A Prophetic Apostolic Pentecostal Ministry


Prophetic Words from the Lord based on truth. Focus is on salvation, End Time Bible prophecy, Prayer, Walking in the Spirit, and the Love of Jesus. My name is Kimberly Hoover. I am born again of the water and of the Spirit since 2004, and am a chosen vessel of Jesus Christ for the following mission: to preach the Gospel to every creature and bring forth the the End Time message, that Christ returns soon. I am married to my wonderful husband, Timothy, have 5 children, and 1 grandchild. The Lord has called me into the prophetic ministry, into teaching, and have been actively involved with music and children’s ministry at our local church over the years. I am also a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the State of Wisconsin. Like, Share, and Follow the Omega Mission Channel on Rumble. Also visit our website at: