The Word of God through Jesus Christ TV Network


Raw & UNcut Bible Teaching for every person's Spiritual Life and Practical Life...NOT SURFACE TEACHING! The Broadcasts are from The Word of God,TJC,S&O TV Productions,and includes many different guests in The 5-Fold Ministry. You can share Love Offerings to help us as we focus on Street & Outreach Ministry Missions. Our CASH APP link is: $TheWordofGodTJCSOMin God Bless you,and to view The Ministry's website,click on: for 24 hour prayer,call: (475) 300-3850,24 hours ©copyright 2022 THE WORD OF GOD,THROUGH JESUS CHRIST, STREET & OUTREACH MINISTRY**++ALL RIGHTS RESERVED++ #FOLLOWTHEHOLYGHOSTANDNOTMAN #READTHEBIBLEBECAUSETHETRUTHISINTHERE #THE5FOLDSPIRITUALAVENGERSOFTHEHOLYGHOST #MODERNDAYAPOSTLEALLENECOLEMANJR (475)300-3850**Incorporated in CO,CT,IN,NC,SC,MS,TN,TX,WI** ~PLEASE EXCUSE ANY AND ALL TYPOS THAT YOU SEE IN THIS DOCUMENT~

Warlords of History Podcast


Some of the greatest stories buried in the folds of history...until now. A podcast that uncovers the lifetimes and achievements of prolific warlords from ancient and medieval times. Going beyond the mainstream historical figures that everyone is familiar with, providing a thorough account of lesser known warriors and leaders that were titans during their respective ages. If you would like to support my work directly, you can kindly do so here:

Fords Playground


Music Producer - Philosopher - Mystic In this vlog from the eternal present moment, I play as an Award Winning Music Producer, Musician and Songwriter. Additionally, I love to talk about existential philosophy, zen, satsang, non-duality, self-awareness, and self-realization, having written and published two books on this subject. On this vlog channel, you will get an insight to my unique philosophy on life, the process of creating harmonious music with sound, and how these two things are more closely related than you think. All it takes, is to realize life itself is but a single note expression, in the composition of a universal symphony. I will also show how many of the techniques for making music are a metaphor to creating harmonious music out of ones life, in a cosmic dance of grace and beauty. All of this is just the tip of the cerebral iceberg... but you’ll have to subscribe to be apart of my playground.