

Welcome to Cosmic Awakening. Why Cosmic Awakenings? - it is a strange name so I'll try and explain some. I created Cosmic Awakenings to realize something I have been dreaming about for almost 20 years. Back then I had profound experiences just looking at cosmic Images, and then later the same listening to deep ambient music. With this and contemplating the unimaginable vastness of our universe, (kind of like a visual/audio Zen Koan, my mind just got stopped in it's tracks) I felt myself transported to a deeper consciousness, one that was part of the majesty of the cosmos. I worked in VFX and video games and dreamed about creating vast realistic cosmic vistas to the deep ambient music, but short of rendering billboard plates of nebula, the computer power was just not there, yet. Until now. This is my first endeavor to create cosmic Imagery, stars, galaxies, and especially nebulae to deep powerful ambient music. Enjoy these cosmic adventures with me.



Don't give up, don't give in. Conspiracy theory- cia coined term to discredit anyone who questions the official media/government narrative. The paradigm is a lie, question all sides then you'll find your own happy place. ~💗Volunteerism💗~ What makes us who we are, we do~the answers are within all of us~ When you can~shut the door on the noise, shut the electronics, all talk and no action is the death of us. ~Utmost importance for our survival ~ K.i.s.s~keep it simple silly Find peace in simplicity, create with your hands, ~ find peace in nature, animals, hike, walk, surround yourself with positivity, positive people, positive music, vibes, breathe deep(oxygen soooo important), ice baths ~showers, relax, sleep well, heal yourself~heal your cells, gut~ inflammation is our enemy.. you'll find the truth within and share it. To thy own self be true. ~Love yourself~feel your light~then share~ Pass it on💗

I'm Done with the Feminist BS and Woke Idiocracy, You Can't Stop Us.


This Rumble Channel has been created to Help further the Promotion of Alpha Masculine Enlightenment, as We'll has knowledge and More importantly The Motivation to be the Healthiest, Wealthiest Alpha Male you can be.On this Rumble channel you will get everything you need for a Magor Freaking TesTosteRone Leap in Time. In the days weeks and months ahead We will bring you The Top G Andrew Tate, jordan peterson, steven crowder, dan bangino, etc... I now yur Tired of hearing your the Problem if your Straight White ANd MALE. I feel your Pain and Anguish, BUT THIS IS NO MORE.... We will never hide, we will never run, We will fight you step for step and We will win. Never Lose your Resolve. Remeber The One Eyed Man is King in The Land of The Blind.

Freedom - Comedy - Awakening


Freedom, Love and Peace Fighters from all over the World, welcome to Tony Baloney News! We aim to provide you with regular updates on the latest and most important news that affect You and all of Humanity while simultaneously ensuring your entertainment and keeping you amused with laughter. Check out our videos and make sure to subscribe and turn on notifications so you won't miss future videos. For business purposes please contact:

The Awaken Podcast With Adam Gordon


Welcome to "The Awaken Podcast," a spiritual journey led by your host, Adam Gordon. Join us as we delve deep into the profound truths of God's word, igniting the awakening of the body of Christ. In this transformative podcast, we uncover the timeless wisdom and divine revelations from the Bible. "The Awaken Podcast" isn't just another show; it's your sanctuary for spiritual growth and revelation. Adam Gordon, your guide on this journey, brings these truths to life with clarity and passion. His deep-rooted understanding of Scripture and his relatable approach make the Word of God accessible to everyone, from lifelong, mature believers to spiritual seekers. In each episode, we explore the fundamental teachings of Christianity and how they apply to our daily lives. You'll discover your true purpose, untap your potential, and experience the unshakable peace that comes from a profound connection with God. But this podcast isn't just about theory; it's about practical wisdom and real-life application. "The Awaken Podcast" equips you with the tools to deepen your faith, grow your relationship with God, and navigate life's challenges with confidence. Whether you're a seasoned Christian seeking fresh revelation or someone new to the faith, this podcast welcomes you with open arms. Together, we'll embark on a spiritual awakening that promises to transform your life and bring you closer to God's divine plan for you. So, are you ready to embrace the awakening within you? Subscribe to "The Awaken Podcast" today and take the first step toward a deeper, more meaningful walk with Jesus. Prepare to be enlightened, inspired, and empowered. Join Adam Gordon and The Awaken Podcast community on this exciting spiritual journey. "The Awaken Podcast" - Where truth meets transformation, one episode at a time.



ビデオ・コンテンツに含まれる情報は、ほとんどの人には見えない世界で起こっている世界的な欺瞞を暴き、 「私たちは誰なのか、なぜこの地上にいるのか、どこから来たのか、人生の真の目的は何なのか、死んだらどうなるのか」 といった最も深い疑問に対する答えを、主からJonathan Kleckを通して私に伝えてくださった、この時代の謎を明らかにするものです。 ▶︎YouTubeでは動画が削除されてしまいました。 イエス様を知り、自分のアイデンティティーについての真実を知ることによってのみ、 私たちは霊的に改心し、故郷に帰ることができるのです。 まだ時間があるうちに、イエス様を求めてください。 【マタイの福音書7章 7.8】 「求めよ。そうすれば与えられる。 探せ。そうすれば見出せる。 (門を)叩け。そうすれば開けてくれる。 何故なら、誰でも求める者は受け取り、 探す者は見出し、 叩く者には開けてもらえるからだ。」

Gölök Z L Buday aka The Black Jester


By Gölök Zoltán Buday #buday4liberty aka The Black Jester #theblackjester, etc.... Magyar INFJ-A Bi Disabled. Funny archives and philitical/comedic historical bites. Philosophical Libertarian Chatter. Ran for Mayor a few times (#Buday4Vancouver), Libertarian Candidate in #VanEast #Buday4Vaneast 2019 maybe provincially in #VanHastings #Buday4VanHastings. More Bio Info Comedian Site: Philosophical Site: Wrote Ball Gag Joke, Stolen By Tosh.0. Non-Electoral, Channel Only Donations (no receipt).\\nGab, Minds, Flote: TheBlackJester