Българска история


От създаването си до днес „Българска история” работи в посока опресняване на историческата памет, засилване на националната гордост, възраждане на забравени личности и епизоди от близкото и далечно минало. Екипът, стоящ зад проекта, е убеден, че историята трябва да се разглежда като стабилна основа за изграждане на национално самосъзнание и самочувствие, които са изключително важни за просперитета на един народ. Влагайки усилията си в дейности, акцентиращи върху историята, културата, традициита и бита, екипът на „Българска история” си поставя за цел да придаде облик на всичко онова, което наричаме български дух, и да изгради мост между миналото и настоящето. Всички инициативи, с които към настоящия момент се ангажира екипът на „Българска история” – поддръжката са сайт, обиколки на училища с цел изнасяне на уроци по родолюбие, създаване на късометражни филми и адаптирани образователни клипове на историческа тематика, са само част от заложените за развитие в бъдеще проекти.



Severe Storm Enthusiast | Speculative Fiction, Retro-Futuristic Music, & Creative Storytelling Welcome to a channel where storytelling, music, and nature come together! Discover retro-futuristism, speculative fiction and steampunk-inspired movie shorts that blend retro aesthetics with futuristic visions, featuring thrilling narratives and stunning visuals. Adding to the creativity is retro-futuristic music—cinematic synthwave and lyrical tracks—that bring these imaginative worlds to life. From atmospheric instrumentals to evocative melodies, the music sets the tone for bold, creative journeys. Finally, explore dramatic weather shorts and adorable animal moments in weather-themed scenarios, adding a lighthearted touch to nature’s raw beauty. Join me for captivating stories, inspiring music, and awe-inspiring moments. Like, share, and subscribe to be part of this creative adventure! ✨🌩️🎶🐾

American Education Defenders - Storytelling Online


Each Wednesday at 4 pm, subscribers will be able to view a new video from the series, AMERICA'S 52 STORIES. It's classic storytelling online. This is how the past becomes relevant, meaningful, and personal for you. Use the information immediately! It's an ideal moment for parents and children to be together and maybe - just maybe - discover something new about each other. You'll want to take full advantage of what has proven to be a bonding moment between parent and child. Website: https://www.americaneducationdefenders.com Contact: paul@americaneducationdefenders.com CATCH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kidsfutures Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kidsfutures TruthSocial: https://truthsocial.com/@kidsfuture LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com TruthSocial: https://truthsocial.com/@kidsfuture YouTube: @kidsfutures123 Amazon Profile: https://amzn.to/43c8RUh

Vintage History Vault


Welcome to Vintage History Vault, where history comes to life through captivating vintage photos and fascinating facts! Dive into the stories behind iconic moments, explore rare snapshots from the past, and uncover the details that make history unforgettable. Whether you're a history buff or just curious about the world as it once was, this channel is your window into the incredible tales hidden in vintage imagery. Subscribe and join us on this journey through time!

History Films on War and the Military Verified


A collection of theatrical films and documentaries in World history used by our students in history courses in to study War and the Military. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. It is being made available in an effort to advance the study of World history. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for educational purposes. It is made available for loan on a person-to-person basis. Therefore, the reproduction in digital copies for teaching (including copies for online classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. Students or others who wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of their own that go beyond 'fair use' must obtain permission of the copyright holder.

I stormens öga


Välkommen till kanalen. Vi kommer att uppmuntra till självständigt tänkande, till egen förståelse av din verklighetsbild och uppfattningen av det rådande omvärldsläget. Vårt mål är att inspirera dig att ifrågasätta dina antaganden och utvidga din förståelse av världen. Vi tror att vi genom att uppmuntra kritiskt tänkande och moralfilosofisk utveckling kan skapa en bättre framtid för oss själva och för samhället som helhet. För att skapa positiv varaktig förändring i världen måste vi först undersöka och justera våra egna övertygelser och värderingar. Med utgångspunkt i att vi alla troligtvis behöver justera den egna moraliska kompassen - förbättrar vi tillsammans samhället. Så om du är intresserad av att utforska historiska perspektiv och utmana dig själv att tänka djupare på världen omkring dig, följ med oss på denna resa. Glöm inte att trycka på prenumerationsknappen och aktivera notiser så att du aldrig missar en ny video. Tack för att du tittar, och vi ses i nästa video!

Stories Out Loud!


Stories Out Loud is a Videobook Channel for children (vbooks). When my son Aaron was 1 years old (2019) I wanted to give him a list videos of me reading some children's books with my crazy voice impersonations, for example, Elmo or Cookie Monster from Sesame Street, so I decided to make a video channel for him, my future grandchildren, or anyone else that would enjoy it. Vbooks is special to me personally, because all my life I've suffered with dyslexia, and having a difficulty in reading anything, but this helps me overcome that obstacle, and hopefully encourage others that are having reading problems. I may have dyslexia, but dyslexia doesn't have me. So Let's Read... Ed "The Dyslexic Dad" Dyslexia is a learning disorder that involves difficulty reading due to problems identifying speech sounds and learning how they relate to letters and words (decoding). Also called reading disability, dyslexia affects areas of the brain that process language. More than 3 million US cases per year. Welcome to SOL! means "Stories Out Loud" will have Safe and Family Friendly Storybooks that you and your children can listen to and read. So enjoy them; tell your family, tell your friends that SOL! has Children's Storybooks for all ages. Family fun is at SOL! Edison edragsdale415@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/ssoutloud/ "LAL - Leaving A Legacy" "Making An Impact, Leaving a Legacy" Psalm 95 1-3: (CEB) 1 Come, let’s Sing Out Loud to the Lord! Let’s raise a joyful shout to the rock of our salvation! 2 Let’s come before him with thanks! Let’s shout songs of joy to him! 3 The Lord is a great God, the great king over all other gods