Sheikh ul Wazaif’s videos on authentic Islamic recitations (Wazaif), spiritual acts (A’maal), and tips authenticated by the Quran, Hadith, and the lives of our Pious Predecessors. Subscribe to see more Wazaif, tips, and spiritual acts on your feed!

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Ubqari institute is a world-renowned organization founded by the Islamic Spiritual Scholar Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mahmood Chughtai DB otherwise known as ‘Sheikh-ul-Wazaif’. Our Mission is to provide humanitarian and spiritual services worldwide,regardless of religion, creed, or nationality. About SheikhUlWazaif Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mahmood Chughtai is one of the most Influential Spiritual Leaders in the 21st Century, his weekly Spiritual lectures are listened to in over 200 countries worldwide and are followed by millions of people on various social media channels. In 1991, he was made the Spiritual Heir of the 5 chains of Tasawwuf including Qadri, Chisti, Suhrawardi, Naqshbandi and Shazli by the permissions of Saints

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Find daily motivational videos to transform your life! Our channel is dedicated to empowering you with powerful motivation and inspirational speeches designed to foster a healthy mind and a resilient mindset. Whether you're seeking a burst of inspiration to tackle life's challenges or strategies to cultivate a positive mindset, our videos serve as a beacon of motivation, guiding you towards a path of fulfillment and success. Join our community and transform your life, one motivational video at a time.

The Truth Seekers

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Welcome to The Truth Seekers, a dedicated group committed to uncovering the hidden truths about the Bible, its teachings, events, and characters. For a better and more accurate understanding of the Biblical period, teachings, events, characters, traditions, and history, our research is rooted in ancient and Rabbinic literature, with significant contributions from archaeology. We adhere to rigorous research standards, approaching our investigations with a critical mindset and striving to uncover the genuine truth rather than selectively choosing convenient narratives. We remain open to criticism and new approaches, welcoming any findings that offer a more authentic perspective. Our unwavering commitment to truth and scholarly integrity guides all our endeavors.