Funny & meditation videos
7 Followersfuny, meditation
funy, meditation
Views of the apocalypse
Tell me in 13 seconds why you love to live free?
Niagara Falls is perhaps one of the most historical tourist destinations on this planet! The Niagara Region is rich in history, legends, myths and facts. What about the enigmatic, obscure places and tidbits of history that are less well-known to people, especially residents of the Niagara Region? This series is a labour of love for Niagara and its history, brought to you by two locals to the Region interested in sharing people, places and things located in the Niagara Region. We hope that you will subscribe to our channel, and tune in and watch the new episodes that we will be excited to bring you.
This channel contains instructional videos for the Saxon Algebra 1 textbook. There are playlists for each lesson. I use these videos to flip my classroom. My students watch the lesson videos at home and transcribe them in their notebook. We then use classtime to work through the problem sets. Please leave constructive feedback for the lesson videos. This will help me to choose which ones should be updated.
Exploring overlooked and neglected aspects of my Tamil heritage and language
The newest pages of The Redpill Book
These are a collection of Guided Meditations by Mark Zaretti of The Way Back
Hello friend please support me I have few knowledge about this app plz help
40 145 492 vues 20nov. 2022 #musiquedeméditation #musiquetibétaine #musiquerelaxante Musique de méditation, Musique relaxante, Musique de Soulagement du Stress, ☯2563B - Notre musique relaxante est parfaite pour les méditations Deepak Chopra, la méditation bouddhiste, la méditation zen, la méditation de pleine conscience et la méditation Eckhart Tolle. Cette musique est influencée par la musique japonaise de la méditation, la musique de méditation indienne, la musique tibétaine et la musique chamanique. Ses avantages comprennent le nettoyage du Chakra, l'ouverture de la Troisième Oeil et l'accroissement des capacités de la méditation transcendantale. YellowBrickCinéma compose de la musique facilitant le sommeil, de la musique d’étude et de la musique de concentration, de la musique relaxante, de la musique de méditation (y compris de la musique tibétaine et de la musique chamanique), de la musique de guérison, de la musique Reiki, de la musique zen, de la musique de spa et de massage, de la musique instrumentale (y compris de la musique de piano, de guitare et de flûte) ainsi que de la musique de yoga. Nous produisons également des vidéoclips avec de la musique classique de compositeurs tels que Mozart, Beethoven et Bach. Notre musique est populaire pour les raisons suivantes: ► Musique de sommeil: La musique de sommeil profond de YellowBrickCinema est la musique relaxante idéale pour vous aider à vous endormir et profiter d’un sommeil profond. Notre musique facilitant le sommeil est la meilleure musique pour soulager le stress, réduire l’insomnie et encourager les rêves. Notre musique apaisante pour le sommeil utilise des ondes Delta et de la musique instrumentale douce pour vous aider à parvenir à un état de profonde relaxation, et vous endormir. Notre musique de sommeil relaxante peut être utilisée comme musique de fond, musique de méditation, musique de relaxation, musique apaisante et musique pour le sommeil. Laissez notre musique apaisante et sereine vous aider à profiter d’un sommeil profond et relaxant. Les vidéoclips de sommeil profond de YellowBrickCinema ont été spécialement composés pour détendre l'esprit et le corps et sont adaptés pour les bébés, les enfants, les adolescents et les adultes qui ont besoin de musique lente, belle, douce et apaisante pour les aider à s'endormir. ►Musique d'étude et de concentration: La musique d'étude et de concentration de YellowBrickCinema est la musique de fond idéale pour vous aider à étudier, à vous concentrer, et à travailler plus efficacement. Notre musique d’étude pour la concentration utilise de puissantes ondes Alpha et des battements binauraux pour stimuler la concentration et l’énergie cérébrale et elle est également une musique relaxante idéale pour soulager le stress. Cette musique d’étude et de concentration est une musique instrumentale relaxante qui vous aidera à réviser, à vous concentrer et à étudier pour un test important ou un examen et qui vous permettra d’atteindre naturellement un état de concentration parfait pour le travail et les études. ► Musique de spa et de massage: Notre légère musique instrumentale est utile après une longue journée de travail pour se détendre. La musique de spa, les sons de la nature, les sons de pluie, le piano léger et les instruments de musique de détente sont utilisés dans ces pistes afin d'encourager la relaxation ultime. La musique de YellowBrickCinema est idéale pour les massages de thérapie, et notre musique vous aidera à détendre votre esprit et votre corps. ►Musique zen et Reiki: Notre musique Reiki et notre musique zen sont idéales pour des séances de guérison et pour encourager un état de zénitude. Laissez les sons subtils et relaxants vous amener dans un état supérieur de conscience et vous permettre de donner et de recevoir des puissantes vibrations de Reiki. ►Musique de yoga: Notre musique apaisante est utile pour le yoga pour les débutants, les exercices de yoga, les chants de yoga influencés par les chants indiens, la musique africaine et est une musique apaisante qui peut vous permettre d'aller dans une transe de yoga. ► Musique instrumentale: La musique instrumentale de YellowBrickCinema comprend de la musique relaxante de guitare, de piano et de flute. Notre musique instrumentale peut être utilisée pour la relaxation, pour étudier, la méditation ou pour soulager le stress ► Musique classique: La musique classique de YellowBrickCinema est idéale pour étudier, lire, dormir (pour les adultes et les bébés) et pour la relaxation generale. Nous n’avons compilés que la meilleure qualité de musique parmi les compositeurs les plus renommés tels que as Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Vivaldi, Debussy, Brahms, Handel, Chopin, Schubert, Haydn, Dvorak, Schumann, Tchaikovsky et bien d’autres encore.
Channel dedicated to relaxation and taking to the most beautiful places in the world.. Enjoy!
Nu Meditation is a YouTube channel that provides a wide range of meditation music and guided meditation videos to help listeners relax, reduce stress, and improve mental clarity. The channel's content is designed to suit different moods and needs, including deep sleep, focus, relaxation, and spiritual growth. With its soothing visuals and calming sounds, Nu Meditation aims to create a peaceful environment that can help listeners experience the benefits of meditation from the comfort of their own homes.
🌺🧘♀️~ Welcome to the Aloha Soul Meditation Channel ~💜🌊 Your Oasis of Tranquility! I Am Lady Nenari, your Meditation Guide. Using the combination of Meditation and Hypnosis, immerse yourself in the soothing embrace of Aloha Soul Meditation, where the rhythmic whispers of the Pacific Sea meet the gentle, melodic, and harmonic breezes of soulful meditation. My channel is dedicated to bringing you a sanctuary of peace, calmness, centred soulfullness, and positive vibes through the enchanting practice of Aloha-inspired meditation. It is a humble honour to meditate and assist you on the Sacred Path of your Soul through the Spirit of Aloha!
I edit Pro-MAGA clips of President Donald J. Trump and others.
News, politics, contemporary history
We are going To win no matter what. ⚡️Learn How To Win The Game Be Smart, Think Ahead Tips For Becoming The First Millionaire In Your Family Always Believe in yourself!🤑 Have faith in your abilities!💪 Without a, humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.😃 But still always try to improve!📈
Showing the world as it is... with some dumb commentary
A space for healing
Relaxing music for you,
Season 6 Sept 2023/ 5784 Season 5 scheduled to begin September 5783/2022 with two tbd breaks of the season. Marie Speaks GOD's Grace Bible Study Website link: Rumble Link: Marie Speaks G-D's Grace Welcome the following is a brief review of this Bible Study. 1. This BLOG post will have the resources and sources links for the Season 5 Bible Studies . 2. All Books used and Readings from during Live Bible Study can be found on Our Website: Marie Speaks GOD’s Grace. Live in the Season 5 portion of the website. 3. After Live Bible Studies have completed: I will upload to Rumble, and post link in this BLOG. How we conduct Bible Studies here: We believe in One and Only One G-D. HaShem; The G-D of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Exodus chapter 20: 2-14. God spoke all these words, saying: I the LORD am your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, the house of bondage: You shall have no other gods besides Me. You shall not make for yourself a sculptured image, or any likeness of what is in the heavens above, or on the earth below, or in the waters under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them. For I the LORD your God am an impassioned God, visiting the guilt of the parents upon the children, upon the third and upon the fourth generations of those who reject Me, but showing kindness to the thousandth generation of those who love Me and keep My commandments. We believe G-D has called each of us to search matters out. (It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, And the glory of a king to plumb a matter. Like the heavens in their height, like the earth in its depth, Is the mind of kings—unfathomable.. Proverbs 25:2 -3) This is one reason why here at Marie Speaks G-D’s Grace Bible Study, we review several historical references and resources, of which we provide links and or screen shots for others to study at their leisure. We have been directed by G-D Wonderful and Almighty, to go Book by Book, Verse by Verse; sharing HIS Torah and Tanakh. We believe as directed by G-D Our Heavenly Father, learning and growing in Torah and Tanakh leads to understanding and wisdom; this shall only be achieved in reading, studying, and sharing HIS Word for ourselves; not relying on man. Learning, growing, and studying with OUR L-D is to be done with others that are like minded, but more so during our personal time. The BLOGs are written to assist those just beginning to study the BIBLE as a starting point. The Live or recorded Bible Studies are to cover and release opportunities and guidance, but ultimately is ones own personal responsibility to rule, govern, and be purposeful in their relationship with G-D. Proverbs 22: 4 thru 6 The effect of humility is fear of the LORD, Wealth, honor, and life. Thorns and snares are in the path of the crooked; He who values his life will keep far from them. Train a lad in the way he ought to go; He will not swerve from it even in old age. Ezekiel 18: 20 thru 22 The person who sins, he alone shall die. A child shall not share the burden of a parent’s guilt, nor shall a parent share the burden of a child’s guilt; the righteousness of the righteous shall be accounted to him alone, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be accounted to him alone. Moreover, if the wicked one repents of all the sins that he committed and keeps all My laws and does what is just and right, he shall live; he shall not die. None of the transgressions he committed shall be remembered against him; because of the righteousness he has practiced, he shall live. Is it my desire that a wicked person shall die?—says the L-d G-D. It is rather that he shall turn back from his ways and live. May HaShem, Blessed be He continue to Bless us all and may we all be forever written in the Book of Life. O'Amein and O'Amein PRAY FOR OUR NATION, enemies, and many lost Returns. GOD IS ON THE MOVE!!!!! Blessings, Marie Link:
“One of the inescapable encumbrances of leading an interesting life is that there have to be moments when you almost lose it.” ― Jimmy Buffett, A Pirate Looks at Fifty Extreme Expeditions Northwest, LLC is comprised of a dedicated and experienced group of Adventurers who's primary goal- through extensive field work and investigation, is to secure the ultimate proof of the existence of Bigfoot. In pursuit of our goal to secure the ultimate proof of the existence of Bigfoot, we conduct one major field operation per year into a remote and hostile wilderness area that is calculated to yield the best proof of Bigfoot's existence- which many times involves an up close and personal with Mr. Big himself. That being said, our expeditions are not for everyone as they generally revolve around activities that involve significant elements of danger. In any event, we at Extreme Expeditions Northwest, LLC view these hazards as nothing more than minor inconveniences- which we may encounter.
Relaxing music for deep sleep and stress relief. Fall asleep to beautiful nature videos and use relaxing music as sleep music, soothing meditation music, relaxation music, study music, and more
Aroma Meditation Massage
American History and Government 101
An important guide to being successful as a beginner in 2021.
Nature - Caspian sea
A combination of cool video clips from all around funny to informational, enjoy!
Soothing music, Calm Music, Relaxing Music
Bringing music to your ears. Meditate every day.
NONI Meditation Relaxing Music
sleepy joe on the job.
FREEDOM!!! \r\n\r\nOur mission is to support Arizona Stands United in filing a lawsuit challenging and reversing the governors declaration of “state of emergency”. We are freedom-loving Arizonans who insist our elected leaders be held accountable and be shown they cannot act with impunity for their tyrannical actions We are a large group (and growing) of concerned freedom-loving Arizonans, who recognize the tremendous sacrifices made by countless generations of Americans throughout our nation’s history to secure, preserve, and protect our God-given rights. We believe it is our duty and privilege to protect our fundamental liberties while demanding our elected leaders be held accountable and be shown they cannot act with impunity for their tyrannical and corrupt agendas. We are united in our common goal to stand against continued violations of our Constitutional freedoms including mask mandates, shutdowns, and more, while working to restore those freedoms from which we have been deprived.
nature sounds meditation - relaxing nature sounds for sleeping - natural calm forest waterfall music meditation sound for study. hear the relaxing sounds of nature and enjoy the absence of urban noise. all we have to do is simply listen to these healing sounds of nature regularly. natures relaxing sounds can heal many disorders and illnesses particularly those imposed by the stress of modern societies. relaxation and meditation are very important to ones wellbeing. listening to these nature sounds of a relaxing waterfall and forest birds singing will bring you a soothing relaxation or meditation. nature sounds for relaxing... surrounded by enchanting nature sounds that you have grown to love so much and fire crackling keeping animals away from your lovely little shelter you get out of the chair on your wooden balcony and yawn as you fold up the rope ladder to make sure nothing and noone can follow you up there you untie the mosquito net and let it fall softly to the floor covering your home and keeping you safe from bug bites you light the lantern and pull out your favorite book allowing your eyes to rest and as you feel them getting heavier you drift into the sweetest night sleep with wonderful dreams.
Relax and mediation mind help is a must in a ever busy world, everything is fast fast fast go go go ,learnt to slow down relax with our stunning mind sounds set to video that will calm and chill you. Be ready for a new day
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