Videography by 1024 productions


Welcome to our videography channel! We specialize in creating stunning video content that tells a story, captures emotion, and leaves a lasting impression. From weddings and corporate events to travel and adventure, our team of skilled videographers and editors use the latest technology and techniques to bring your vision to life. We also offer tips and tutorials on how to improve your own videography skills, so be sure to subscribe and join our community of passionate filmmakers!



Welcome to our rumble channel, "Infographics"! 🌐📊 In a rapidly evolving world, information is key, and that's exactly what we aim to deliver in each of our content pieces. Get ready to be captivated by stunning data visualizations, uncover intriguing facts, and delve into relevant topics. From mysterious history to cutting-edge technology, we'll take you on a visual journey full of tension. Are you prepared to explore knowledge uniquely? Watch until the end because in every video, we hold a surprising twist that will change the way you perceive information. Don't miss out, subscribe now, and be part of our vibrant knowledge community! 🚀✨



The topics I will cover include [but are not limited to] government programs, conspiracies, wars and propoganda, the nature of human freedom, the financial system, and historical events (Oct 7th, 9/11, etc.). Resources I will use include [but are not limited to] books (non-fiction), articles (journal/popular), documents (leaked/released), and interviews, a subset of which will be primary sources. My academic and professional backgrounds consist of neuroscience and software engineering. I often find myself trying to figure out how to explain critical information to younger and younger audiences, so I will be introducing the occasional children’s book (a subset of which will be written and illustrated by myself).