Food, Faith, and Fortunes


Welcome to Food, Faith, & Fortunes. WHAT TO EXPECT FOOD. I prepare dishes in LIVE videos. You'll see me burn bread, change recipes, tasting things with fingers, no gloves. This for my family & I, not an audience. Let's keep it real. Have a recipe to share, make your recipe live, recipe that needs "fixing", let me know. FAITH. You'll hear me say "I heard God say". Meaning, as the prophet Jeremiah said, "the Word of the Lord came to me saying." It means there's an unction, knowing, sense, tugging, etc. I'll pray w/ you over your casserole, faith, & finances. FORTUNES. People on social media say "I'm not a financial advisor & this isn't financial advice. This is for entertainment purposes only." This disclaimer keeps them from being sued, b/c they aren't legally qualified to. You wont hear me say this b/c I'm a licensed financial advisor & can give financial advice. I'll share current economic news & events impacting the financial sector, in layman's terms. LET'S TALK ABOUT IT.

Musik & Wissenschaft


Willkommen auf meinem Kanal Mein Motto Glaube wenig Hinterfrage alles Denke selbst Odysee Wenn es die Zeit zulässt lade ich neue Videos hoch über Musik und Wissenschaft aber auch andere Themen (z.B. Naturwissenschaften und medizinische Aspekte). Mein Ziel ist es einen Teil dazu beizutragen, dass Menschen besser über spezielle Themen in Musik und Wissenschaften informiert werden. Der Fokus liegt bei Musik (insbes. Violinen), Physik (z.B. Klima, Astronomie) und Biologie (z.B. Viren, menschliches Auge, aber auch Sport. Wenn Sie diese Themen interessieren und Sie meinem Motto folgen möchten, dann sollten Sie diesen Kanal abonnieren.

MMA Fight Talk


Dedicated to providing you with the most comprehensive coverage of the sport, ensuring you stay informed and engaged. Top-notch content that caters to MMA fans. From breaking news about upcoming fights, fight card predictions, and post-fight analysis, I cover it all. I am committed to helping viewers enhance their understanding and appreciation of MMA, keep them informed, and improve their combat training performance, and fitness. That's why I have created an exclusive free eBook "Combat Training Essentials." This comprehensive guide covers a range of topics, including nutrition, injury prevention, and conditioning. It's packed with valuable insights, practical tips, and advice to help you optimize your performance on the mat. Knowledge is power, and by equipping yourself with the right information, you can take your MMA training to the next level. Don't miss out on all the action!