Salutare! Eu sunt Alex, am 22 de ani și pasiunea mea este natura. Camping-ul, Bushcraft-ul și Supraviețuirea în natura sunt activitățile cu care îmi place să îmi ocup timpul. Incerc să ies in natură cât de des pot si să fac cât de multe excursii cu cortul este posibil. Prin intermediul acestui canal de youtube vă iau și pe voi cu mine in aceste excursii, în incercarea de arăta cât mai multor oameni cât de interesantă este natura și de ce este important să o respectăm și protejăm

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As a Business Strategist and Motivational Speaker, my YouTube channel is dedicated to sharing valuable insights and practical tips for individuals who are interested in starting or growing their businesses. Whether you're looking for innovative business ideas, effective business solutions, or inspiration to take your entrepreneurial journey to the next level, you'll find it all here. Through my videos, I aim to empower aspiring entrepreneurs with the knowledge, skills, and mindset they need to succeed in the competitive world of business. Join me on this exciting journey of entrepreneurship and personal growth, and let's achieve success together!

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I am Ma4Builder from Pakistan. Follow me as i build & modify cars.


I dont really specialise in any manufacture of car, neither am i professionally trained, just a regular guy winging it as i go along restoring each car with my own personal touch (even if that means getting the angle grinder out) I hope my content brings a smile to your face and maybe inspires you to get on the spanners yourself. There would be no point in me listing what car i own at the moment as i switch and change so often, but you are likely to see Audi's, Mercedes, VW, Maserati's, Bentleys & more. I do like German engineering but im not scared to give the others a try 😆 At the end of the day im here for a good time & never take things too seriously so enjoy!! Mad4Builders