Turnwright Gallery features Rush Limbaugh art and music


Doug Henry was the "Official Limbaugh Letter Cover Illustrator" from 1997-2004. In 7 years he illustrated 70 covers for Rush Limbaugh's newsletter. In addition to his Limbaugh Letter art, this channel also features his political songwriting. Many of the themes in his songs were inspired through all the many years he spent painting while listening to Rush's radio show. You may view all the Rush paintings and purchase art prints at his website: www.turnwrightgallery.com

Valley Broadcast Network News Verified


Valley Broadcast News is the flagship broadcast on Flathead Valley, Montana's newest Over-The-Air (OTA) TV outlet, Valley Broadcast Network (VBN). The host of VBN, James White, is well known for his many years as host of Northwest Liberty News. During his tenure, Jim and the Northwest Liberty News team were on the scene of many fast-breaking news stories, including the Bundy Ranch and the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) standoff. Join Jim each weekday as he shatters the left-right paradigm and seeks to find the truth behind the lies.