Light In The Darkness


This channel will post content on topics that cover everything from faith, current events, conspiracies, and politics. The goal of this channel is to expose the Deceptions and Illusions of this World, and to bring to Light the Realities of this World. Videos will cover many things that the mainstream media will not cover, and attempt to Expose subverted Truth. “And Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you Free.’’ John 8:31 Donations Appreciated, Thank You. Bitcoin - bc1qz527a0kzpmdvnpv5l7y3zw20gtyg4s5tqylg8u Ethereum - 0x92E2537052bAEe5fc01f623A104AEcbF88EC1621 XRP - r3Hq4HnXv2z3DFxtsHsUBUyarNMMsmiXa7 Cardano - addr1qxc2elfsvcsswrdffjtwsfjy4w4ymq4u3u0dv82n8lvu2gas4n7nqe3pqux6jnykaqnyf2a2fkpterc76cw4x07ec53szvgge5 XLM - GBXM2EE5YRL3MJD5WYRSXG2HWNMJHMXTIGPAT4X4NZV3BY5IBP4XXTAF LTC - Lbm2agYnLiaf9er7VX7ye5H2d6JBzYP1we ALGO - OFVHBH7L4OXJRS5ZJ3U66ZSLCQO33JRXBAIJRMQDG7ET2ODGB2L26H7AJU HBAR - 0.0.8087360

Gaming Content Creator


Just a Hawaii kid with a dream to go big I'm just 23 years old kid looking to bring quality content to viewers. I mainly play Call of Duty, but can play other games as well. Yes, I'm a sweat, but I *will* bring content to you, I promise you that. Much of my content will feature many of my IRL friends (from middle and high school). We use video games as our free space to just enjoy each other's time since we don't get to see each other often. If you're new to the channel, welcome on in! We all welcome you with open arms. I'm all about spreading positivity since mental health is a huge aspect of society at the moment. If I can make at least one person's day better through my content, I can say I had a successful day. Business Email:

The Omnist's Paradise


For lifeforms on this planet, existence is not always easy. Thankfully for us big-brained humans, we live in a world of unfathomable abundance, which has coupled well with our resourcefulness – one could argue maybe even too well. But the Earth is also teeming with resources far beyond those of our basic raw building materials. Upon closer inspection, we find that happily nestled within the richness of our many human cultures, a wealth of wisdom, spirit, natural rhythms, love, beauty, and an endless reservoir of knowledge exists. We refer to this combination of treasures as our “religions”, “faiths”, “mythologies” or simply our “spirituality”. But what does all that mean exactly? What is its significance in our day-to-day lives. That’s the kind of stuff that we will attempt to explore on this channel. Join me as I delve deep into the landscape of the human spirit with the eventual goal of uncovering “The Omnist’s Paradise”. My theory is that it’s hidden along the wayside somewhere, waiting for us to discover it within the experiences of our life’s journey. I truly believe that by fully embracing Omnism and Syncretism as a species, we can finally set our differences aside and begin to write the sequel of the Homo Sapien story together, in a beautiful new age of unity and spiritual enlightenment.