The God Ball - A Declaration of Holy War


We are in the New Age of Noah. There are only two paths and one correct option. This is a Declaration of the Final Holy War. Good versus evil. Make no mistake. This mission is twofold. First, save as many souls for Jesus Christ as possible. Second, work to raise everyone above the poverty line building from the ground up. Please join us and tell your friends and family. Time is almost up. The clock is ticking. Wake up! Which side of eternity are you on? Let’s talk about it @

Song Theory


Hey, everyone! This channel is all about music, learning and pure entertainment. I am a musician who loves what I do, but I also want to help people learn and understand things like science, history and just general understandings of our world and music. I want to give you all the best content and song theories that I can offer! Simple! Just tune in and we may even upload more episodes during the weekend just for you! So please LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE because we want your friends to know about our channel. It's all about community. Thank you so much. Now let's build the dopest channel on Rumble.