Sejam bem-vindos (as) ao Canal do Jova l Conteúdos: - Análise de jogos (Pós Jogos). - Análise da escalação (Pré Jogos). - Notícias, opinião e informações sobre o mercado da bola. - Interpretação de personagens fictícios. - Brincadeiras e entreterimento. Vídeos diários com a apresentação do Jova Tricolor (Sérgio). Welcome to the Jova l Channel Contents: - Game Analysis (Post Games). - Lineup analysis (Pre Games). - News, opinion and information about the football market. - Interpretation of fictional characters. - Jokes and entertainment. Daily videos with the presentation of Jova Tricolor (Sérgio).

Clay Roses


Hi Marc and Amber Wheeles here founders of the Christian Indie duo Clay Rose, we want to thank for stoping by our page! We as Clay Rose want to speak through our music to a lost generation. Our platform is raw indie Christian music with a message; and the message is simple: shake the cage, stand up for holiness, and bring in the Kingdom. We want to inspire both young and the old to make this the most powerful and emboldened generation of Christians the world has ever seen. To bring people from the depths of whatever situation they may be in, to the heights and majesty of a believer who follows Christ with no compromise and no shame. Our attitude and work reflect the verse Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” It’s time for a Joseph generation to rise up from the ashes of a dormant church! If you are spiritually hungry, and desperately seeking the raw expression of God that reflects truth, look no further than Clay Roses ministry to the broken and hard-hearted. God Save us all from religion.

Do It Yourself Home Renovations


DIY everything! Why pay someone to do what you can learn to do yourself. My name is Ron King and work as a handyman in my day job. I started out very young with a carpenter as a father and I followed up in collage with a degree in construction management. After college I managed Tuff Shed and constructed small buildings. I have always said, “if I don’t know how to do something I can learn”. So I DIY almost everything from carpentry, plumbing, electrical, welding, drywall, painting and even tile. I have also built a large tool collection over the years and I will show you new tools and new ways to use them from DeWalt, Milwaukee, Craftsman and many others, at the same time I will also show the home DIYer simple alternatives to projects with limited tool resources. If you want to simply learn how to remodel your bathroom or kitchen or maybe replace your own wood fence or even how to become a handyman Smash that subscribe button and the notification bell. Welcome Ultimate DIYer!