State Nationals Rock Podcast


This podcast will go into depth on the origins of this great nations history as a Republic, how that was fraudulently stolen from us with our consent, but more importantly how each of us can take it back, all while legally & lawfully removing every fraudulent contract our selected officials have tricked us into. Here's a small list of what we will cover: 1. How to reclaim ALL of your God-given birth rights 2. How to correctly and legally stop paying Federal Income Taxes, yes that's real, 😉 3. The Step-by-step process to becoming a State National 4. The history of how our nation was captured and how we have become the guarantors of the national debt 5. The Social Security Number scam 6. Why your birth certificate is your slave bond 7. How to "Invoke" your constitutional rights instead of government-funded privileges 8. Special guests formerly of the IRS collections dept 9. Why should we all reclaim our birth rights under God 10. What is the Matrix and why escaping it matters

Freedom Consciousness Podcast


Freedom Consciousness Podcast is a channel that spreads awareness on spiritual freedom for those who are trying to remove themselves or have removed themselves from the abusive indoctrination of religious programming and dogmatic views that keep a victim trapped in the cycle of fear through means of manipulation and coercion. On this channel, I will interview those who have survived religious abuse. My goal is to inspire others to heal, take back their power and be heard through telling their stories.