Motovlogging and other adventures.


Hello I'm RJ, a motorcycle and Jeep enthusiast who had the crazy idea to create a channel and learn about film and editing. 602 North was our vintage house (1906) we fell in love with and restored. I never thought we'd sell that house but life has a way of changing your path (ours in the form of our first grandchild) and here we are restoring a home from 1870 - the CH Johnson House - four hours east of 602 North. Coverage of the restoration process, as well as motorcycle vlogs, Jeep adventures and anything else that comes up. I currently ride an 2022 Indian Chieftain Limited. We've owned most of the major brands, including a Can Am Spyder F3-L and two Harley Ultras. We are on our 3rd modern-era Jeep - a Gladiator and had Jeep's years ago going all the way back to the CJ’s. Facebook Page - Join me on Instagram -

Remigration ou Extermination


Cette chaîne offre une analyse incisive et implacable des périls incarnés par ces envahisseurs venus d'Afrique, déjà ancrés dans notre monde sans même avoir eu besoin de défoncer nos remparts. Leur infiltration insidieuse et leur parasitisme latent gangrènent notre civilisation. Notre mission ? Réveiller les consciences des autochtones de souche, leur ouvrir les yeux sur cette contamination rampante qui érode les fondements même de notre survie collective.

Illuminating Language


Our words, and our thoughts, are of supreme importance. This channel is dedicated to exploring the language we choose to use. Each word we speak, and think, is filled with intention and power and it is of the utmost importance that we unearth the proper meaning of the words we speak, especially if you desire to communicate effectively. During our time here, we will creatively illuminate the definitions and origins of selected words while exploring the various usages of these sometimes misused words. If you have an idea for a specific word, please leave your suggestion in the comments. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.