Lunitar The Chaotic GM


Come explore, create, build and game with me. I am a little chaotic, so who knows what we will do, create or blow up! We will create custom terrain, buildings, castles, campaigns, worlds, events in games, tutorials and more. Currently heavy into 7 Days to Die for pc, but I am widening my playing soon. Want to Support me? Or Just send me a quick Monetary appreciation? Here you go! Paypal ► Connect and follow me here: Facebook ► Discord ► Webpage ►

Canadian Unity Project


Welcome to the Canadian Unity Project. Together we will strengthen the nation by teaching Canadian's to be self sufficient, not only in satisfying one's basic needs but also being emotionally and intellectually independent. The foundation of a strong nation its education. It is our mission to provide valuable lessons, information, ideas, and events that forge strong Canadian unity by empowering and strengthening individuals and their families. Some key topics included but not limited to: 1. Self-Sufficient Living 2. Financial Literacy 3. Community Spirit 4. Healthy Lifestyle 5. Canadian History & Politics Become a member of the Canadian Unity Project to gain access to our growing library of educational content, for exclusive events, and to support the mission of a free and thriving Canada. We encourage you to be part of the change you wish to see. We look forward to connecting with Canadian's and thank you for your support.