

Welcome to my channel! This is my life with parrots and other animals! Bird Spy Australia12.6K subscribers Twitter Description Thanks for flying in! We have so many bird videos and How To videos. I have kept birds since around 1995 when I was still in primary school and both the number of birds and aviaries have grown ever since. With this channel I would like to teach some of the things that I have learnt in that time and share with you things that I am still to learn.

Words of Truth From The Scriptures Podcast


Howdy Folks! My name is Brian Yeager. This a FREE Bible Study Podcast that is available across many platforms ( This Podcast is published on Sundays and Tuesdays. Each Podcast is a study from the Scriptures. Feel free to contact me via email ( or phone with questions (1-915-525-5794). You will never be asked to contribute money or buy anything. Check out my personal website for more FREE written and audio studies of the Scriptures:

Word Magic Global


My name is Laurel Airica and I am the creator of WordMagic Global. As an Inspirational Educational Entertainer, I offer a revolutionary re-introduction to the English Language, the Power of the Word, the language-based Nature of Reality, and how we can literally Use the Word for the World’s ReCreation. The ultimate message my work conveys is that English, as the leading software of the Western mind, is filled with cultural biases akin to computer viruses that undermine our thinking and reasoning power. However, we can –– collectively, consciously and creatively –– upgrade English to a higher frequency to inspire the Best instead of the Beast in us all. By so doing, we will help facilitate our essential evolution from humankind to humankindness. © 2023 Laurel Airica For writing-editing services: