Florida Real Estate Power Brokers

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The official YouTube channel for Real Power Brokers, LLC. The Premiere and Leading Real Estate Firm based in South East, Florida. Our growth and client driven success is achieved by our ability to use technology, training and experience to service our customers. Real Power Brokers, LLC's continued market growth in South Florida is putting us in position for future expansion to full state recognition and beyond. Be sure to subscribe to this channel ( and click on the alarm bell ) to stay updated on all RPB News, Market Outlook, Premiere property showcases and interviews with the top movers and shakers in the industry and market !!

Joplin and the 4 States Area Networking Connection

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So I started a new Facebook group with a simple idea. I based this group on a quote from Zig Ziglar "You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want." How am I going to help? I have an awesome network of friends and business associates (OK same thing but you know). I am going to let them / you show everyone too. I will be setting up Live Stream Q&A's for people who are interested in letting others know what they do and how they can help others. When you need lets say an HVAC tech. plumber, handyman, Realtor (yes I have several and it wont be me), insurance person, etc, you can come here and watch the video and decide if you like them prior to calling. If you join be sure to watch the video I posted. If you want to get on the list for an Q&A session let me know, I have a short list of 30 who I will be contacting or who ready to go. Please share it with your friends who might need to get some publicity.

Starea de veghe (News România)

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Starea de veghe, emisiune tv a News România (post tv românesc de știri, dezvăluiri și dezbateri, cu emisie tv și online): www.newsromania.live Realizatoare tv: Adriana Bahmuțeanu. Ediții ale emisiunii tv Starea de veghe (de la News România) în canal video din Rumble.com: https://rumble.com/c/c-1485283 SCOPUL NOSTRU ESTE SĂ FIM O TELEVIZIUNE LIBERĂ, INDEPENDENTĂ, OBIECTIVĂ, CARE SĂ PROMOVEZE ADEVĂRUL, MORALITATEA, VALORILE NAȚIONALE ȘI INTERESUL ECONOMIC AL ROMÂNIEI, SĂ FIE CÂINELE DE PAZĂ AL DEMOCRAȚIEI.

With camping, we can learn to appreciate nature and the environment which also plays an important role for the survival of mankind, such as forests as habitat areas for various types of animals and flora that are included in the rare category.

1 Follower

With camping, we can learn to appreciate nature and the environment which also plays an important role for the survival of mankind, such as forests as habitat areas for various types of animals and flora that are included in the rare category.