Dr. Paulo Porto


Canal com informações e vídeos sobre neurocirurgia e atualidades em medicina. Faça Download gratuito do *EBOOK PÓS COVID do DR. Paulo Porto* https://ebookposcovid.com.br/ - Graduação em Medicina pela Escola Paulista de Medicina (UNIFESP) - Residência Médica em Neurologia e Neurocirurgia (UNIFESP) - Fellow em Neurocirurgia Vascular (UNIFESP) - Chefe do Serviço de Neurocirurgia do HMASP / Exército Brasileiro - Supervisor do Programa de Residência Médica em Neurocirurgia do Exército Brasileiro - Autor do “Guia de Medicina Ambulatorial e Hospitalar – Neurocirurgia / UNIFESP” - Mestre em Ciências Militares com dissertação sobre "Telemedicina: uma proposta doutrinária" - Doutorando da Disciplina de Neurologia - HC/FMUSP - Scholar em Surgical Leadership, pela Harvard Medical School - Presidente do Depto de Neurocirurgia Vascular da Soc Bras Neurocirurgia (SBN) - Atuação como Prof Convidado em Universidades Americanas Fone Consultório: (11) 5051-5176

Sports Talk With Darion


Welcome to the Darion Hopkins Sports Show, Where He Does Live Play By Play & Reactions Of Sports Games. He Also Have A show that gives the latest news in sports 5 Times A Week Mon-Fri 1PM -3PM Est Showcasing Darion Hopkins ability to blend insightful sports expertise with an offbeat mix of humor and pop culture, The Darion Hopkins Show attracts the most recognizable names in sports and entertainment. Subscribe to this channel to keep up with Show, interviews, and much more!

MMA Sports


Welcome to the MMA Sports channel we produce entertaining mixed martial art matches and other content videos of UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) is the world\\\\\\\'s leading mixed martial arts organization. UFC has revolutionized the fight business, and today stands as the world\\\\\\\'s leading MMA promoter, offering the premier series of MMA sports events that have sold out some of the biggest arenas and stadiums across the globe. Watch videos on Youtube.🏆🥊