Engineering Politics


I am a conservative content creator trying to conserve the values that made America the leading exporter of culture and influence we see today. I want to explain cosocial tnservative values to people all over the political spectrum to help them understand why these values are important to preserving freedom for all. Most of my content reviews and explains large ideas such as economics, culture, free speech, human behavior, and any other political or opics at-large today. I will also provide my analysis of current events as they unfold and leave their mark on our society. My "best-case scenario" for my commentary and analysis is to open a good-faith debate on the current political and social climate so we can better understand all sides without needing to demonize the opposition. You can find and support my content by subscribing to my channel and becoming a member of the Engineering Politics Locals Community on my Locals page at

The natural environment or natural world encompasses all living and non-living things occurring naturally, meaning in this case not artificial. ... This environment encompasses the interaction of all living species, climate, weather and natural resources


People seldom find absolutely natural environments on Earth, and naturalness usually varies in a continuum, from 100% natural in one extreme to 0% natural in the other. More precisely, we can consider the different aspects or components of an environment, and see that their degree of naturalness is not uniform.

Make Money Online , Freelancing


Hello! Well come to our Rumble Channal Nooti4u. We Will Teach You How You Can Earn Online Money, With Different Methods For Example How You Can Earn Money From Facebook, How You Can Earn Money From Youtube And How You Can Earn Money From Different websites or How You Can Earn Money From Using Mobile Phone , How You Can Earn Money From Using Mobile Application And Much More Platfrom....So If You can Earn Money So Join Our Rumble Channal Click The Bell Icon Never Miss the Notification About New Update Video......Thanks

Mama Grizzly's preparing for anything!


We are looking forward to hosting classes fresh off the farm in whatever self reliant skills you would like to learn more about - cultured milk products, including yogurt, sour cream, cheeses; herbal medicine making; gardening; first aid; making your own laundry and personal soap, and other personal care items; canning; dehydrating; freeze drying; etc., etc. To help you be a little more self reliant and prepared for...well, just about anything!

Another Boring Topic


We are three friends with a shared love of reading and researching various topics that may seem boring, but have fascinating stories. If you like deep dives into obscure topics, or easy-to-understand overviews of complicated topics, you just might find something here that interests you. Due to the fact that we work full time jobs and have families, our uploading schedule tends to be sporadic. However, we do our best to make the waits worthwhile. We also have a free substack for additional show notes or random articles. to subscribe. We do have a Twitter account for occasional channel announcements.