

Lifewave x39 my name is Johnny in 2021 i caught (the famous disease) it was the (Delta pneumonia) I was very sick and stuck in my room for about 90 days could not walk up and down the steps I had to close down my company I never thought I would make it I was looking for something to do on YouTube To help me with my finances i came across a company called lifewave! Which interest me quite a lot I made a promise to myself if I get through it I would try to help people, at the same time within 8 months I lost my mum dad a grandson and my mother-in-law So I wasn't in a very good place and i forgot about my promises i made to myself and August 2023 I met one of my customer who was a very good friend of mine he was fighting cancer for 2 years and was busy with chemotherapy he gave me a fright when I saw him he had a yellow complexion in his face and lost a lot of weight I asked him what was wrong he told me they found lesions of cancer on his lungs i suddenly remembered my promise i made to myselfi remembered the technology from lifewave! i joined the company and got some of the products and I gave him a packet of the x39 Worth in one month of using the product hs colour started coming back in his face and he startsd to feeling much better Is hair started growing back and he's doctor even started reducing the chemo time that he was doing from 10 hours to 6 hours every second week, So I also started using the x39 to see if it would help with my lung capacity and I was struggling with arthritis in both my thumbs and my wife with struggling with the same thing and she is struggling with diabetes too So we've been on the x39 for one month my arthritis is completely gone hers as well and sugar level is come down to 4.7 and my lung capacity is in proved by a large amount and I have a friend her name is Marlena she stays in krugersdorp and for 7 years she couldn't walk into a shopping centre and within 2 weeks she was walking into the shopping centre ok so that's why I've got such high believe in this product it's only product in the world that's got a worldwide patent and is only available from lifewave! So that's my personal life testimonial So please all my friends in family all over the world please like subscribe and share this fantastic technology And I'll post for you a weekly testimonials from all over the world of people that are on the patch and getting fantastic results Thank you very much johnny

Julie Johnson


Welcome to my channel. I help people understand the roles high insulin and blood sugar play in metabolic health. To reverse chronic diseases such as diabetes, PCOS, migraines, etc. you have to go against everything you know about ‘proper’ nutrition and learn to master insulin/blood sugar to be free of metabolic diseases. The ROOT CAUSE of most diseases is systemic inflammation caused by chronically high insulin/blood sugar. To reverse chronic diseases such as diabetes, PCOS, migraines, etc. you MUST understand how to master insulin and blood sugar. Our 'sick-care" system has failed us all. I am on a mission to help people reverse chronic, metabolic disease by understanding the role high insulin and blood sugar play in their metabolic health. 👍 Be sure to like and subscribe so you don’t miss out on any new content ☑️ Join Our Private Community, “Mastering Insulin and Blood Sugar to Reverse Metabolic Diseases https://julierjohnson.com/request-group ❤️‍21-Day Leptin Reset by Leptin Expert Sarah Kleiner. Get 15 % off with my link http://bit.ly/3CZJBVO 🤯Berberine-How My Husband Dropped His Morning Blood Sugar by 20 Points https://amzn.to/3vYwK1X 📖“Why We Get Sick” by Dr. Benjamin Bikman- A leading authority on all things metabolism and insulin resistance. https://amzn.to/3k1qAeX 📖The book that changed my entire life: “The Obesity Code” by Dr. Jason Fung. First, you’ll get angry then you’ll get busy changing your life. https://amzn.to/3XeQ0E1 🌬️Hack Your Metabolism with Lumen- Simple to Use (you just breathe) and get instant feedback on how your body is responding to the food you’ve eaten. Use my link for $50 off. https://bit.ly/3H17wpW * This post may contain affiliate links. I may receive a small commission if you click on the links of the products and make a purchase

John Camillo and Lolly Cunningham Antics


This channel is here on Rumble to keep the content safe from YouTube's monopolistic TOS. Rumble is the exact same technical experience as YouTube. Download the Rumble app and join. I use both platforms freely. They each have their strengths and weaknesses Twice he drove from NJ to MS...imo trying to get himself included in sick Lolly's Will...turns out on the second trip there is no Will or Power of Attorney, no papers that mentions him at all (We will post all content we record! "Member's only" pay walls be damned! Fair Use)

BK Johnsen


A channel inspired by the book Before You Fall: A Book On Pride, written by BK Johnsen and RA Herald. This is a channel dedicated to creating a community where anyone can voice their thoughts and opinions with the minimal amount of Pride getting in the way. About BK: Brian Kenobi Johnsen's life has been chock-full of love, deception, greed, lust, and unbridled enthusiasm. In his heart, he really is just a simple country boy, some might say a cockeyed optimist, who always seems to get caught up in the dirty game of world diplomacy and international intrigue. Born in Seattle, Washington, he now lives in Japan with his wife, working on his life goals of starting a family and keeping his own Pride in check.